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Type: Article
Published: 2002-11-05
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A revision of Nearctic species of the genus Earota Mulsant & Rey, 1874 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae)

Division of Entomology, Natural History Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-7523, U.S.A. and Department of Entomology, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia
Coleoptera Staphylinidae Aleocharinae Athetini Earota Macroterma taxonomy Nearctic


Nearctic species of the genus Earota Mulsant & Rey, 1874a are revised. Synonymy of generic names Earota and Macroterma Casey, 1906 is confirmed. Earota dentata (Bernhauer, 1906) (= E. alutacea (Casey, 1906) = E. borealis (Casey, 1906) = E. iowensis (Casey, 1910a)) is recognized as the only valid Nearctic species of the genus. Redescription and illustrations are provided for distinguishing Earota from other aleocharine genera. Atheta sulcata Blatchley, 1910 is placed in synonymy with A. klimschi Bernhauer, 1909 and transferred from Earota to Atheta Thomson, 1858. Lectotypes for Atheta dentata Bernhauer, 1906, Macroterma alutacea Casey, 1906, M. borealis Casey, 1906, A. klimschi Bernhauer, 1909, A. iowensis Casey, 1910a and A. sulcata Blatchley, 1910 are designated.


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