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Type: Article
Published: 2020-12-31
Page range: 62–101
Abstract views: 200
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Ontogenetic stages of Oulenziella bakeri (Hughes) (Acari: Winterschmidtiidae)

Plant Health & Environment Laboratory, Ministry for Primary Industries, Auckland, New Zealand
Plant Health & Environment Laboratory, Ministry for Primary Industries, Auckland, New Zealand
Plant Health & Environment Laboratory, Ministry for Primary Industries, Auckland, New Zealand
Acari Sarcoptiformes Astigmata chaetotaxy new host records new distribution records


The ontogenetic stages of mite family Winterschmidtiidae are rarely studied. Here we provide detailed descriptions and illustrations of all developmental stages of Oulenziella bakeri (Hughes). A comparison of the idiosomal and leg chaetotaxy of all stages are presented. New data on hosts and distribution of O. bakeri are provided.



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