The recent delimitation of the cambalopsid genera Hypocambala and Glyphiulus is debatable. The focus of controversy is whether the presence of crests on the trunk rings is an appropriate key character dividing these two genera. To address this issue, we conducted a molecular phylogenetic analysis including species with or without crests belonging to Hypocambala and species with crests belonging to Glyphiulus. The results of the phylogenetic analysis suggest that cambalopsids with crests are monophyletic and sister to a species without crests. Hypocambala polytricha, a cambalopsid with crests that is in a clade with crested Glyphiulus species, should be transferred to Glyphiulus. Therefore, a new combination is proposed, Glyphiulus polytrichus comb. nov. In addition, a discussion on the boundary between these two genera and a description of a new species, Hypocambala zizhongi sp. nov., are provided.
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