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Type: Article
Published: 2021-01-13
Page range: 85–101
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Tools for instar determination of European caddisfly larvae (Insecta: Trichoptera)

Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, Division Limnology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
Trichoptera biometry wing length head width correlation


The paper explores the adult-forewing-length to larval-head-width relationship as a basis for instar determination of final instar caddisfly larvae on a family level. In addition, reference data from published sources were used to extract series of percentage-head-width increments and factors-of-increase for penultimate to first instars. This material provides estimates for head widths of earlier instars on the family level.



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    Waringer, J. & Graf, W. (2020) The larva of Plectrocnemia scruposa McLachlan 1880 (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae). Zootaxa, 4816 (1), 115–122.

    Waringer, J. & Karaouzas, I. (2017a) The larva of Agapetus episkopi Malicky 1972 (Trichoptera: Glossosomatidae), including a key to the larvae of Glossosomatidae of the Hellenic western Balkan region. Zootaxa, 4329 (1), 73–80.

    Waringer, J. & Karaouzas, I. (2017b) The larva of Schizopelex huettingeri Malicky 1974 (Trichoptera: Sericostomatidae), including a preliminary key to the Sericostomatidae larvae of the Hellenic western Balkan region. Zootaxa, 4311 (2), 271–279.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2016a) The larvae of Micropterna coiffaiti Décamps 1963, Micropterna taurica Martynov 1917, and Potamophylax goulandriorum Malicky 1974 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), including a key to the hitherto known Stenophylacini larvae of the Hellenic western Balkan region. Zootaxa, 4175 (1), 43–56.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2016b) The larvae of the European species of genus Apataniana Mosely, 1936 (Trichoptera, Apataniidae): Descriptions, key and ecology. Zookeys, 586, 121–134.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2017) The larvae of Sericostoma bergeri Malicky, 1973 and Sericostoma herakles Malicky, 1999 (Trichoptera, Sericostomatidae). ZooKeys, 695, 123–133.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2018a) The larvae of Rhyacophila rougemonti McLachlan 1880, Rhyacophila trifasciata Mosely 1930, Rhyacophila pallida Mosely 1930, and Rhyacophila tarda Giudicelli 1968 (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae), including a discriminatory matrix to the Rhyacophila larvae with tetrafilament abdominal gills from Italy and Corsica. Zootaxa, 4526 (4), 516–530.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2018b) The larvae of Beraeamyia aphyrte Malicky 1972, Beraeamyia kutsaftikii Malicky 1975, and Beraeamyia matsakii Malicky 1980 (Trichoptera: Beraeidae), including a discriminatory matrix to the Greek Beraeidae larvae. Zootaxa, 4527 (2), 255–268.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2018c) The larvae of Sericostoma sasbaddes Malicky 2010, S. maclachlanianum Costa 1884, S. clypeatum Hagen 1864, and S. siculum McLachlan 1876 (Trichoptera: Sericostomatidae), including a preliminary key to the Sericostomatidae larvae of European Ecoregion 3 (Italy, Corsica, and Malta). Zootaxa, 4379 (4), 517–528.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2018d) Larva of Halesus nurag Malicky 1974 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) and diagnostic key for the limnephilid larvae of Sardinia. Zootaxa, 4425 (3), 555–566.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2018e) Identification and morphology of an apataniid caddisfly larva from the Levant: Apatania cypria Tjeder 1952. Zootaxa, 4382 (1), 185–191.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2019a) Identification and morphology of a rhyacophilid caddisfly larva from Cyprus: Rhyacophila aphrodite Malicky 1975. Zootaxa, 4623 (3), 563–570.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2019b) The larva of Plectrocnemia renetta Malicky 1975 (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae), including a discriminatory matrix to the larvae of Plectrocnemia Stephens 1836 species of Greece. Zootaxa, 4568 (2), 372–382.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2019c) The larvae of Athripsodes longispinosus longispinosus (Martynov 1909), Athripsodes longispinosus paleochora (Malicky 1972), and Athripsodes bilineatus aegeus Malicky 1999 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), including a discriminatory matrix to the larvae of genus Athripsodes Billberg 1820 in Greece. Zootaxa, 4609 (3), 485–498.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2019d) The larvae of Limnephilus minos Malicky 1970 and Mesophylax impunctatus aduncus (Navás 1923) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), including a discriminatory matrix for the Greek limnephilid larvae with multifilament gills. Zootaxa, 4612 (2), 187–204.

    Waringer, J. & Malicky, H. (2020) The larva of Rhyacophila hartigi Malicky 1971, including a discriminatory matrix to the Italian Rhyacophila larvae with tufted multifilament gills (Rhyacophilidae, Trichoptera). Zootaxa, 4731 (1), 103–114.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W., Pauls, S. & Cianficconi, F. (2008a) The larvae of Drusus improvisus McLachlan, 1884, Drusus camerinus Moretti, 1981 and Drusus aprutiensis Moretti, 1981 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae). Aquatic Insects, 30, 269–279.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W., Pauls, S., Vicentini, H. & Lubini, V. (2008b) DNA based association and description of the larval stage of Drusus melanchaetes McLachlan, 1876 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae) with notes on ecology and zoogeography. Limnologica, 38, 34–42.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W., Kučinić, M., Previšić, A. & Vučković, I. (2009) The larva and life cycle of Annitella apfelbecki (Klapálek, 1899), including a redescription of Melampophylax nepos (McLachlan, 1880) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Aquatic Insects, 31, 71–80.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W. & Malicky, H. (2011a) Description of the larvae of Limnephilus femoratus (Zetterstedt, 1840) and Limnephilus subnitidus McLachlan, 1875, with additional notes on Limnephilus picturatus McLachlan, 1875 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Aquatic Insects, 33, 371–380.

    Waringer, J., Botosaneanu, L. & Le Guellec, G. (2011b) The larva of Alpopsyche ucenorum (McLachlan 1876) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) with notes on its systematic position and ecology. Zootaxa, 2967, 44–50.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W. & Malicky, H. (2012a) The larvae of Allogamus antennatus (McLachlan 1876), Allogamus mendax (McLachlan 1876) and Allogamus pertuli Malicky 1975 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) with notes on ecology and zoogeography. Zootaxa, 3351 (1), 27–38.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W. & Malicky, H. (2012b) Description of the larvae of Anabolia lombarda Ris, 1897 and Limnephilus sericeus (Say, 1824), with additional notes on Limnephilus flavospinosus Stein, 1874 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Aquatic Insects, 34, 93–105.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W. & Malicky, H. (2013a) Problems associated with extrapolating ecological traits to higher-than-species level exemplified in the description of the larvae of Potamophylax haidukorum Malicky, 1999, Potamophylax winneguthi (Klapálek, 1902) and Melampophylax austriacus Malicky, 1990. Limnologica, 43, 441–450.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W. & Malicky, H. (2013b) The larva of Psilopteryx psorosa (Kolenati 1860) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) with notes on ecology and zoogeography. Zootaxa 3694 (6), 579–586.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W., Bálint, M., Kučinić, M., Pauls, S.U., Previšić, A., Keresztes, L. & Vitecek, S. (2013c) The larvae of Drusus franzressli Malicky 1974 and Drusus spelaeus (Ulmer 1920) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae) with notes on ecology and zoogeography. Zootaxa, 3637 (1), 1–16.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W., Bálint, M., Kučinić, M., Pauls, S.U., Previšić, A., Keresztes, L. & Vitecek, S. (2013d) The larva of Drusus vinconi Sipahiler, 1992 (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae, Drusinae). ZooKeys, 317, 69–80.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W. & Malicky, H. (2014) The larvae of Stenophylax mitis McLachlan 1875 and Allogamus hilaris (McLachlan 1876a) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), with notes on ecology and zoogeography. Zootaxa, 3780 (2), 375–387.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W., Bálint, M., Kučinić, M., Pauls, S.U., Previšić, A., Keresztes, L., Ibrahimi, H., Živić, I., Bjelanović, K., Krpač, V. & Vitecek, S. (2015a) Larval morphology and phylogenetic position of Drusus balcanicus, D. botosaneanui, D. serbicus and D. tenellus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae). European Journal of Entomology, 112, 344–361.

    Waringer, J., Lubini, V., Hoppeler, F. & Pauls, S.U. (2015b) DNA-based association and description of the larval stage of Apatania helvetica Schmid 1954 (Trichoptera, Apataniidae) with notes on ecology and zoogeography. Zootaxa, 4020, 244–256.

    Waringer, J., Vitecek, S. & Graf, W. (2016a) Larval morphology and identification of Rhyacophila meyeri McLachlan 1879 (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). Zootaxa, 4093 (4), 559–565.

    Waringer, J., Previšić, A., Kučinić, M., Graf, W., Vitecek, S., Keresztes, L., Bálint, M. & Pauls, S.U. (2016b) Larval morphology of the Western Balkans endemic caddisflies Drusus krusniki Malicky 1981, D. vernonensis Malicky 1989, and D. vespertinus Marinković-Gospodnetić 1976 (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae, Drusinae). Zootaxa, 4083 (4), 483–500.

    Waringer, J., Malicky, H., Graf, W. & Vitecek, S. (2017a) The larva of Adicella syriaca Ulmer 1907, including a key to the European larvae of Adicella McLachlan, 1877 (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae). ZooKeys, 711, 131–140.

    Waringer, J., Malicky, H., Živić, I. & Vicentini, H. (2017b) The larvae of the European Helicopsyche species (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae). Zootaxa, 4277, 561–572.

    Waringer, J., Graf, W., Sipahiler, F. & Malicky, H. (2017c) The larvae of Silo chrisiammos Malicky 1984 and Lithax musaca Malicky 1972 (Trichoptera: Goeridae), including a key to the Goeridae larvae of the Eastern and Hellenic western Balkan regions. Zootaxa, 4306 (1), 67–80.

    Waringer, J., Karaouzas, I. & Malicky, H. (2018a) The larvae of Rhyacophila tsurakiana Malicky 1984, Rhyacophila gudrunae Malicky 1972, and Rhyacophila biegelmeieri Malicky 1984, including an update for the larval key to the Greek species of genus Rhyacophila Stephens 1836 (Rhyacophilidae, Trichoptera). Zootaxa, 4508 (1), 85–100.

    Waringer, J., González, M.A., Martín, L., Martínez, J., Erzinger, F. & Pauls, S.U. (2018b) DNA-based association and description of the larval stage of Apatania theischingerorum Malicky 1981 (Trichoptera, Apataniidae), with notes on its ecology. Zootaxa, 4418 (2), 161–170.

    Waringer, J., González, M.A. & Malicky, H. (2020) Discriminatory matrix for the larvae of the European Thremma species (Trichoptera: Thremmatidae). Zootaxa, 4718 (4), 451–469.

    Waringer, J., Martini, J. & Vitecek, S. (2020) A remarkable caddisfly from the Vjosa River catchment: Thremma anomalum McLachlan 1876. [in press]

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    Zweidick, O.G.J. (2020) Macroinvertebrate Communities of Perennial and Intermittent Streams in Bioregion 14 (“Grazer Feld und Grabenland“, Austria: Styria) with a Special Focus on Caddisflies. Thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 125 pp.