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Type: Article
Published: 2021-01-14
Page range: 225–238
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Taxonomic changes resulting from a review of the types of Australian Anoplognathini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) housed in Swedish natural history collections

Centrum für Naturkunde, Universität Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, Hamburg, Germany
Australian Museum Research Institute, Australian Museum, 1 William Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 2010
Coleoptera Australia Sweden history synonymy nomenclature Christmas beetle Repsimus Anoplognathus Amblyterus Dalman Gyllenhal Swartz Thunberg MacLeay


The type material of Australian Anoplognathini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) housed in Swedish natural history collections is reviewed, concerning three genera: Anoplognathus Leach, 1815, Amblyterus MacLeay, 1819, and Repsimus MacLeay, 1819. The species were described by G.J. Billberg, J.W. Dalman, L. Gyllenhal, C.J. Schönherr, O. Swartz, and C.P. Thunberg. The contemporary type material of W.S. MacLeay in the Macleay Museum, Sydney, is also examined as it has been overlooked by previous researchers. In total, type specimens for 12 species described between 1817 and 1822 were found in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet in Stockholm the Evolutionsmuseet in Uppsala and the Macleay Museum. Five of these species are valid: Anoplognathus brunnipennis, (Gyllenhal, 1817); A. olivieri (Schönherr & Dalman, 1817); A. porosus (Dalman, 1817); Amblyterus cicatricosus (Gyllenhal, 1817); and Repsimus manicatus (Swartz, 1817). The other seven species are junior synonyms, as follows (senior synonym first): A. brunnipennis = Rutela chloropyga Thunberg, 1822 (new synonym); A. olivieri = Rutela lacunosa Thunberg, 1822 (new synonym); A. viridiaeneus (Donovan, 1805) = A. latreillei (Schönherr & Gyllenhal, 1817); A. viriditarsus Leach, 1815 = Rutela analis Dalman, 1817; and R. manicatus = Anoplognathus brownii W.J. MacLeay, 1819 = A. dytiscoides W. J. MacLeay, 1819 = Rutela ruficollis Thunberg, 1822 (new synonym). Authorship of A. latreillei and A. olivieri is corrected, as noted above. Anoplognathus brunnipennis has been misidentified for the last 60 years at least, leading to the synonymy noted above. Anoplognathus flavipennis Boisduval, 1835 (revised status), is reinstated as the oldest available name for the misidentified A. brunnipennis and the types of A. flavipennis in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, are illustrated. Lectotypes are designated for: Anoplognathus brownii, A. flavipennis, A. dytiscoides, Melolontha cicatricosa, Rutela analis, R. brunnipennis, R. lacunosa, R. latreillei, R. manicata, R. olivieri, R. porosa, R. ruficollis, and R. chloropyga. Photographs of all type specimens examined are presented for the first time.



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