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Type: Article
Published: 2021-01-21
Page range: 273–281
Abstract views: 139
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The genus Lyroda Say, 1837 in Africa and Arabian Peninsula with description of two new species (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae)

Fischerstr.1, 10317 Berlin, Germany.
Ali Abdallah Ali AL JAHDHAMI, Al-Mudhaibi, Samad Ashan, P.O. 121 Samad Ashan 423, Oman.
Hymenoptera Crabronidae Lyroda Africa Arabia new species distribution


The genus Lyroda Say, 1837 is reviewed in Africa and Arabia. Lyroda centralafricana Schmid-Egger & Al-Jahdhami, sp. nov. is described from Central African Republic and Zambia from both sexes; the holotype is a male. Lyroda salalah Schmid-Egger & Al-Jahdhami, sp. nov. is described from Oman in both sexes; the holotype is a female. The unknown male of L. aethiopica is described for the first time. A key to Lyroda species from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula is given.



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