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Type: Article
Published: 2021-01-25
Page range: 481–505
Abstract views: 254
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Larval Taxonomy and Distribution of Genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in Northwestern Algeria

Laboratoire de Valorisation des Actions de l’Homme pour la Protection de l’Environnement et Applications en Santé publique, Université de Tlemcen, BP 119 13000 Tlemcen, Algérie.
Laboratoire de Valorisation des Actions de l’Homme pour la Protection de l’Environnement et Applications en Santé publique, Université de Tlemcen, BP 119 13000 Tlemcen, Algérie.
Musée cantonal de zoologie, Palais de Rumine, Place Riponne 6, 1005 Lausanne, Suisse Département d’Ecologie et d’Evolution, Université de Lausanne, Biophore, 1015 Lausanne, Suisse
Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA
Departamento de Zoología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071-Granada (Spain)
Trichoptera larval description biodiversity caddisflies morphotype Tafna watershed Ghazouana Basin Tlemcen


The main purpose of our paper is to document genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in northwestern Algeria and to provide the larval descriptions of the species set. Larvae, pupae, and imagines were collected from 14 sampling sites over a five-year period (2014–2019). Eight Hydropsyche species have been identified, with Hydropsyche siltalai being a new record for Algeria and North Africa, and Hydropsyche pellucidula a new record for Algeria. A comparison of our checklist with those of the Moroccan Rif and Europe is provided, as well as the geographical distribution of each species. This Algerian Hydropsyche species revision provides precise and reliable taxonomic characters for distinguishing larvae of the species, and a taxonomic key is proposed for their identification. In addition, information regarding their distribution is included.



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