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Type: Article
Published: 2021-01-25
Page range: 559–566
Abstract views: 168
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A review of Capezoum Adlbauer, 2003 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with the description of two new species from the Succulent Karoo ecosystem in South-Africa

Medical and Veterinary Entomology Unit, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge 5, BP 983, Preah Monivong, 12201 Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
7a, rue J. P. Huberty, L-1742 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Geovicon Environmental (PTY) Ltd. P.O.Box 4050, Middelburg, Mpumalanga 1050, South-Africa
Coleoptera Cerambycinae Xystrocerini taxonomy Biodiversity hotspot Karoo region


Capezoum Adlbauer, 2003 is known only from male specimens. Herein, we describe two new species: Capezoum richardi sp. nov. and C. brunneopunctatus sp. nov., from the Northern Cape region in South-Africa. The discovery of these new species, one of them represented by both sexes, allowed us to describe the hitherto unknown female. Moreover, the genus is transferred to the tribe Xystrocerini and a key to the species of the genus is provided. Lastly, the position of Mythozoum Thomson, 1878 in Cerambycidae is discussed.



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