Seven species of the Panchaetothripinae genus Astrothrips are recorded from China, and an illustrated key provided for their identification. One new species is described, A. glanduculus sp.n., and the following three species are newly recorded from China, A. asiaticus, A. globiceps, and A. tumiceps. The male of A. aucubae is described for the first time, and plants from which Astrothrips have been taken are listed.
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Stannard, L.J. & Mitri, T.J. (1962) Preliminary studies on the Tryphactothrips complex in which Anisopilothrips, Mesostenothrips and Elixothrips are erected as new genera (Thripidae: Heliothripinae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 88, 183–224.
ThripsWiki (2020) ThripsWiki-providing information on the World's thrips. Available from: http://thrips.info/wiki/ (accessed 27 August 2020)
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