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Type: Article
Published: 2007-10-08
Page range: 41–52
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Taxonomic notes and new records of the genus Sphingonaepiopsis Wallengren, 1858 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in Iran

Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, U.K
Insect Taxonomy Research Department (ITRD), Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP) (formerly Plant Pests & Diseases Research Institute (PPDRI)), P.O. Box 19395, Tehran 1454, Iran
Lepidoptera Taxonomy Sphingonaepiopsis Iran


The taxonomy, morphology, biology and distribution of Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades (Hübner [1819]) and S. nana (Walker 1856) are reviewed. The validity of subspecies within S. gorgoniades is re-examined and it is concluded that there is no justification for their continued recognition. Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades pfeifferi Zerny 1933 is therefore confirmed as a synonym of S. gorgoniades. Records of Sphingonaepiopsis in the collection of the Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum (HMIM), Tehran, Iran, are collated and mapped, and the first confirmed occurrence reported of the Afrotropical S. nana in mainland southwest Asia, an increase in the known range of the species. Global distribution maps are provided for both species.


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