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Type: Article
Published: 2003-12-23
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A checklist of metazoan parasites recorded in freshwater fish from Turkey

Ondokuz Mayýs University, Faculty of Fisheries, 57000, Akliman, Sinop, TURKEY; Correspondence address: Cihannuma mahallesi Husnu savman street, no:22-5 80690 Besiktas, Istanbul, TURKEY
Nemertea Turkey checklist freshwater fish parasites


A checklist of the metazoon parasites of freshwater fish in Turkey has been compiled from parasitological studies done in Turkey between 1964 and 2003. The parasite species list is arranged by phylum and class, providing parasite species name and author, host fish, location of host fish capture and author and date of published record. The host list consists of all parasite species listed by host species. One hundred and thirteen parasite species are listed from 41 host species belonging to 26 genera.


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