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Type: Article
Published: 2021-04-23
Page range: 585–597
Abstract views: 182
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Notes on some Tanzanian butterfly specimens in the Suffert Collection:
a case of patria falsa

African Natural History Research Trust, Street Court, Kingsland, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 9QA, UK
African Natural History Research Trust, Street Court, Kingsland, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 9QA, UK
African Butterfly Research Institute, P.O. Box 14308, 0800 Nairobi, Kenya.
Lepidoptera Afrotropical Region taxonomy nomenclature Papilionidae Graphium


A number of mislabelled butterfly specimens in the Suffert collection purporting to be from Lindi in southeast Tanzania belong to taxa restricted to the Usambara Mountains in northeast Tanzania thus suggesting patria falsa. The history of Suffert’s collection and the possible reasons behind this mislabelling event are discussed in more detail. One of the mislabelled specimens, the holotype of Papilio illyris hamatus Joicey & Talbot, 1918 described from Tanzania, is the senior name for Graphium illyris girardeaui Guilbot & Plantrou, 1978, the latter name formally synonymised herein with the former. A brief biography of the little-known Ernst Suffert is presented.



  1. Ackery, P.R. & Smiles, R.L. (1976) An illustrated list of the type-specimens of the Heliconiinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 32 (5), 171–214.

    Baumann, O. (1890) In Deutsch-Ostafrika während des Aufstandes: Reise der Dr Hans Meyer’schen Expedition in Usambara. Eduard Hölzel, Wien, Austria, 224 pp.

    Böhler, H. (1901) Deutsch Ost-Afrika. Karte I. Ost-Usambara. 1897–1899. Trigonometrisch und topographisch aufgenommen, berechnet und gezeichnet durch H. Böhler. Wilhelm Greve, Berlin.

    Boessenkool, S., Star, B., Scofield, R.P., Seddon, P.J. & Waters, J.M. (2010) Lost in translation or deliberate falsification? Genetic analyses reveal erroneous museum data for historic penguin specimens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 277, 1057–1064.

    Crowe, J.H.V. (1918) General Smuts’ Campaign in East Africa. John Murray, London, 280 pp.

    De Palma, M., Takano, H., Leonard, P. & Bouyer, T. (2020) Barcoding analysis and taxonomic revision of Goliathus Lamarck, 1802 (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae). Entomologia Africana, 25 (1), 11–32.

    Dönitz, W. (1897) Sitzungsberichte des Entomologisches Vereins in Berlin für das jahr 1896. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 42, (1–2), 1–25.

    Ducarme, R. (2018) The butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of the north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Metamorphosis, 29, 23–37.

    Ewerbeck, K. (1902) Auszüge aus den Jahresberichten der Bezirksämter und Militärstationen für die Zeit vom 1. Juli 1900 bis 30. Juni 1901, 13. Lindi. Berichte über Land- und Fortwirtschaft in Deutsch-Ostafrika, 101–111.

    Fitzner, R. (1901) Deutsch Kolonial-handbuch. Band I. Hermann Paetal, Berlin, 412 pp.

    Fülleborn, F. (1906) Das Deutsche Njassa- und Ruwuma-Gebiet : Land und Leute nebst Bemerkungen über die Schire-Länder : mit Benutzung von Ergebnissen der Njassa- und Kingagebirgs-Expedition der Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann Wentzel-Stiftung. Deutsch-Ostafrika, 9 (1), 636 pp.

    Gordh, G. & Headrick, D.H. (2001) A Dictionary of Entomology. CABI Publishing, UK, 1032 pp.

    Guilbot, R. & Plantrou, J. (1978) Note sur Graphium illyris (Hewitson) et revision systématique de l’espèce [Lep. Papilionidae]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 83 (3–4), 68–73.

    Horn, W. (1907) Aus der entomologischen Welt. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 534–540.

    Horn, W., Kahle, I., Friese, G. & Gaedike, R. (1990) Collectiones entomologicae. Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin, 573 pp.

    Howarth, T.G. (1977) A list of type-specimens of Ornithoptera (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 36 (3), 153–169.

    Joicey, J.J. & Talbot, G. (1918) New Butterflies from Africa and the East. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 271–272.

    Karsch, F. (1900) Drei neue Lepidopteren aus Ostafrika gesammelt von Herrn Stabsartz Dr Fülleborn. Entomologische Nachrichten, 26, 353–359.

    Kielland, J. (1990) Butterflies of Tanzania. Hill House, Melbourne, 363 pp.

    Krapf, J.L. (1860) Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours, During an Eighteen Year Residence in Eastern Africa. Trübner, London, 554 pp.

    Larsen, T.B. (2005) The Butterflies of West Africa. Apollo Books, Denmark, 2 vol., 900 pp.

    Le Cerf, F.D. (1924) Catalogue anoté des “types” et formes nouvelles des Papilios d’Afrique contenus dans la collection du “Hill Museum.”. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, 1 (3), 369–399.

    Liseki, S.D. & Vane-Wright, R.I. (2016) Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Mount Kilimanjaro: Nymphalidae subfamilies Libytheinae, Danainae, Satyrinae and Charaxinae. Journal of Natural History, 50 (13/14), 865–904.

    Lodge, H.C. (1910) Wages and prices abroad. Government Printing Office, Washington, 111 pp.

    Schaufuss, C. (1907) Rundschau. Entomologisches Wochenblatt (Insekten-Börse) 24, 111–112.

    Smith, C.R. & Vane-Wright, R.I. (2001) A review of the afrotropical species of the genus Graphium (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera: Papilionidae). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Entomology), 70 (2), 503–719.

    Suffert, E. (1904) Neue afrikanische Tagfalter aus dem kön. zool. Museum, Berlin, und meiner Sammlung. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 17, 12–107.

    Talbot, G. (1921) Introduction. 2. Growth of the Hill Museum. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, 1 (1), 3–5.

    van Someren, V.G.L. (1964) Revisional notes on African Charaxes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Part II. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 15 (7), 181–235.

    van Someren, V.G.L. (1966) Revisional notes on African Charaxes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 18 (3), 45–101.

    van Someren, V.G.L. & Jackson, T.H.E. (1952) The Charaxes etheocles-ethalion complex: a tentative reclassification of the group (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 103 (8), 257–284.

    Vane-Wright, R.I. & Liseki, S.D. (2008) The type material, taxonomy and conservation of Horniman’s Swallowtail, Papilio hornimani (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Journal of Natural History, 42 (19–20), 1333–1348.

    Vinogradov, A.G. (2015) Economic growth around the world from ancient times to the present day. Createspace, 458 pp.

    Wessel, A. (2007) D.E.Z.—A history. 150 years of scientific publishing in entomology. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 54 (2), 157–167.

    Ackery, P.R. & Smiles, R.L. (1976) An illustrated list of the type-specimens of the Heliconiinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 32 (5), 171–214.

    Baumann, O. (1890) In Deutsch-Ostafrika während des Aufstandes: Reise der Dr Hans Meyer’schen Expedition in Usambara. Eduard Hölzel, Wien, Austria, 224 pp.

    Böhler, H. (1901) Deutsch Ost-Afrika. Karte I. Ost-Usambara. 1897–1899. Trigonometrisch und topographisch aufgenommen, berechnet und gezeichnet durch H. Böhler. Wilhelm Greve, Berlin.

    Boessenkool, S., Star, B., Scofield, R.P., Seddon, P.J. & Waters, J.M. (2010) Lost in translation or deliberate falsification? Genetic analyses reveal erroneous museum data for historic penguin specimens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 277, 1057–1064.

    Crowe, J.H.V. (1918) General Smuts’ Campaign in East Africa. John Murray, London, 280 pp.

    De Palma, M., Takano, H., Leonard, P. & Bouyer, T. (2020) Barcoding analysis and taxonomic revision of Goliathus Lamarck, 1802 (Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae). Entomologia Africana, 25 (1), 11–32.

    Dönitz, W. (1897) Sitzungsberichte des Entomologisches Vereins in Berlin für das jahr 1896. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 42, (1–2), 1–25.

    Ducarme, R. (2018) The butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of the north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Metamorphosis, 29, 23–37.

    Ewerbeck, K. (1902) Auszüge aus den Jahresberichten der Bezirksämter und Militärstationen für die Zeit vom 1. Juli 1900 bis 30. Juni 1901, 13. Lindi. Berichte über Land- und Fortwirtschaft in Deutsch-Ostafrika, 101–111.

    Fitzner, R. (1901) Deutsch Kolonial-handbuch. Band I. Hermann Paetal, Berlin, 412 pp.

    Fülleborn, F. (1906) Das Deutsche Njassa- und Ruwuma-Gebiet : Land und Leute nebst Bemerkungen über die Schire-Länder : mit Benutzung von Ergebnissen der Njassa- und Kingagebirgs-Expedition der Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann Wentzel-Stiftung. Deutsch-Ostafrika, 9 (1), 636 pp.

    Gordh, G. & Headrick, D.H. (2001) A Dictionary of Entomology. CABI Publishing, UK, 1032 pp.

    Guilbot, R. & Plantrou, J. (1978) Note sur Graphium illyris (Hewitson) et revision systématique de l’espèce [Lep. Papilionidae]. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 83 (3–4), 68–73.

    Horn, W. (1907) Aus der entomologischen Welt. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 534–540.

    Horn, W., Kahle, I., Friese, G. & Gaedike, R. (1990) Collectiones entomologicae. Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin, 573 pp.

    Howarth, T.G. (1977) A list of type-specimens of Ornithoptera (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 36 (3), 153–169.

    Joicey, J.J. & Talbot, G. (1918) New Butterflies from Africa and the East. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 271–272.

    Karsch, F. (1900) Drei neue Lepidopteren aus Ostafrika gesammelt von Herrn Stabsartz Dr Fülleborn. Entomologische Nachrichten, 26, 353–359.

    Kielland, J. (1990) Butterflies of Tanzania. Hill House, Melbourne, 363 pp.

    Krapf, J.L. (1860) Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours, During an Eighteen Year Residence in Eastern Africa. Trübner, London, 554 pp.

    Larsen, T.B. (2005) The Butterflies of West Africa. Apollo Books, Denmark, 2 vol., 900 pp.

    Le Cerf, F.D. (1924) Catalogue anoté des “types” et formes nouvelles des Papilios d’Afrique contenus dans la collection du “Hill Museum.”. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, 1 (3), 369–399.

    Liseki, S.D. & Vane-Wright, R.I. (2016) Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Mount Kilimanjaro: Nymphalidae subfamilies Libytheinae, Danainae, Satyrinae and Charaxinae. Journal of Natural History, 50 (13/14), 865–904.

    Lodge, H.C. (1910) Wages and prices abroad. Government Printing Office, Washington, 111 pp.

    Schaufuss, C. (1907) Rundschau. Entomologisches Wochenblatt (Insekten-Börse) 24, 111–112.

    Smith, C.R. & Vane-Wright, R.I. (2001) A review of the afrotropical species of the genus Graphium (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera: Papilionidae). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Entomology), 70 (2), 503–719.

    Suffert, E. (1904) Neue afrikanische Tagfalter aus dem kön. zool. Museum, Berlin, und meiner Sammlung. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 17, 12–107.

    Talbot, G. (1921) Introduction. 2. Growth of the Hill Museum. Bulletin of the Hill Museum, 1 (1), 3–5.

    van Someren, V.G.L. (1964) Revisional notes on African Charaxes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Part II. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 15 (7), 181–235.

    van Someren, V.G.L. (1966) Revisional notes on African Charaxes (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology, 18 (3), 45–101.

    van Someren, V.G.L. & Jackson, T.H.E. (1952) The Charaxes etheocles-ethalion complex: a tentative reclassification of the group (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 103 (8), 257–284.

    Vane-Wright, R.I. & Liseki, S.D. (2008) The type material, taxonomy and conservation of Horniman’s Swallowtail, Papilio hornimani (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Journal of Natural History, 42 (19–20), 1333–1348.

    Vinogradov, A.G. (2015) Economic growth around the world from ancient times to the present day. Createspace, 458 pp.

    Wessel, A. (2007) D.E.Z.—A history. 150 years of scientific publishing in entomology. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, 54 (2), 157–167.