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Type: Article
Published: 2007-11-19
Page range: 41–53
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Two new genera of Swammerdamellini (Diptera, Scatopsidae), with a discussion of the position of the species of Rhexoza

Depto. de Biologia, FFCLRP/USP, Av. Bandeirantes 3900, 14.040–901 Ribeirão Preto SP, Brazil. CNPq research fellowship 302.531/88–2
Diptera Scatopsidae Swammerdamellini Systematics


Species previously included in the genus Rhexoza Enderlein have been gradually displaced to other Swammerdamellini genera, as Quateiella Cook, Akorhexoza Cook, Pararhexosa Freeman and Abrhexosa Freeman. The holotype of Rhexoza lobata Cook, 1956a, from Cordoba, State of Vera Cruz, México, was examined and Brahemyia, gen.n. is erected for this species –Brahemyia lobata, n.comb. Other species of Rhexoza were examined and Cooka, gen.n. is proposed for six Nearctic species: C. similis (Beekey, 1938) n.comb., C. teskeyi (Cook, 1975) n.comb., C. aterrima (Melander, 1916) n.comb., C. incisa (Cook, 1975) n.comb., C. iowensis (Cook, 1975) n.comb., and C. melanderi (Cook, 1975) n.comb. Two Australian species previously placed in Rhexoza are transferred to Pararhexosa Freeman, P. chelata (Cook, 1971) n. comb., and P. senticosa (Cook, 1971) n.comb. Four other species of Rhexoza are transferred to Abrhexosa Freeman: the Nearctic species A. amaryllis (Cook, 1975) n.comb., A. ryckmani (Cook, 1975) n.comb., and A. grossa (Cook, 1956) n.comb., and the Neotropical species A. panamensis (Cook, 1956) n.comb. One species is transferred from Rhexoza to Quateiella: Q. freyi (Duda, 1937) n.comb., from the Canary Islands. R. richardsi Freeman, 1985 R. flixella Haenni, 2001 and R. lydiae Withers, 2004 fit in Rhexoza with the type–species, R. subnitens (Verrall, 1886). R. radiella (Enderlein, 1926), and R. seminitens (Edwards, 1928), known only from females, are kept doubtfully in the genus. The monophyly of these genera is discussed, as well as their position within the Swammerdamellini.


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