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Type: Article
Published: 2021-06-24
Page range: 247-270
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New species and records of Entomobryidae and Orchesellidae (Collembola) from the East Caucasus (Russia)

University of Navarra, Faculty of Sciences, Institute for the Biodiversity and Enviroment (BIOMA) and Department of Environmental Biology, University Campus, 31080, Pamplona, Spain.
Department of Zoology and Ecology, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, Moscow State Pedagogical University, 129164, Moscow, Russia.
University of Navarra, Faculty of Sciences, Institute for the Biodiversity and Enviroment (BIOMA) and Department of Environmental Biology, University Campus, 31080, Pamplona, Spain.
Collembola Entomobrya Entomobryoides Willowsia Sinella Heteromurus Taxonomy Chechnya Dagestan Ingushetia


We studied Entomobryidae and Orchesellidae springtails collected throughout Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Dagestan, Russia. Three new species of the genus Entomobrya (E. multisetis sp. nov., E. hirsutothorax sp. nov., and E. kremenitsai sp. nov.), and one of Entomobryoides (E. dagestanicus sp. nov.) are described. Taxonomic information for Entomobrya nicoleti (Lubbock, 1868), Willowsia potapovi Zhang et al., 2011, and Heteromurus nitidus (Templeton, 1836) in Templeton & Westwood 1836 from the Caucasus are given.



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