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Type: Monograph
Published: 2021-08-02
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An updated checklist of the marine fishes in Lebanon. An answer to Bariche and Fricke (2020): “The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status”

Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Hadath, Beirut, LEBANON
Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Hadath, Beirut, LEBANON
Pisces Lebanon


The recent paper by Bariche & Fricke (2020) presents an updated checklist of the marine fish species in Lebanon including 367 fish species, 70 non-indigenous and 28 new records. According to Bariche & Fricke (2020), the inventory is based on the published scientific papers related to the marine fishes in Lebanon, since Gruvel (1928, 1931), as well as “grey literature, images published in newspapers or on local websites and social media”. However, important scientific papers and published reports, providing important data on marine fishes in Lebanon, were missed. Hereby we cite twelve scientific papers: [Nafpaktitis (1963), Bath (1977), Shiber (1981), Moosleitner (1988), Lakkis et al. (1996), Bariche (2006), Bariche et al. (2006); Bitar et al. (2007), Bariche & Trilles (2008), Bitar (2010), Khalaf et al. (2014), and Bitar (2015) in Zenetos et al. (2015)], twelve national reports [the national report of Abboud Abi Saab et al. (2003) under the framework of a Libano-Franco cooperation, the national report of Majdalani (2005) under the framework of the Ministry of Agricultue (MoA), the two reports in cooperation between the Food Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) Lelli et al. (2006), and Sacchi & Dimech (2011), and the eight national reports in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the organizations of: (i) aecid/Tragsa as MoE/aecid/Tragsa (2009), (ii) International Union for Conservaion Nature (IUCN)- Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC) as IUCN-SPA/RAC (2017), (iii) the SPA/RAC as Bitar (2008), RAC/SPA-UNEP/MAP (2014), IUCN-SPA/RAC (2017), and SPA/RAC-UN Environment/MAP (2017, 2018a, 2018b), and finally, the book of Lakkis (2013)]. Concerning the publication of Lakkis et al. (1996), and the book of Lakkis (2013), only the valid and confirmed/ or proofed marine fish species were listed in Table 1. While, the questionable/ doubtful marine fish records from those two references were listed in Table 2 and Table 3 (see suppl.file 2, and 3). In this context and based on the Lebanese literature, Bariche & Fricke (2020) missed the reports of 9 species (Table 1). Therefore, the list of marine fish of Lebanon (Bariche & Fricke, 2020) is enriched reaching 376 species, 71 of which are non-indigenous species (See suppl.file 1). In agreement with Zenetos & Galanidi (2020) we state that even the current update may contain errors, as species invasions are dynamic phenomena, where new information continually comes to light, whether from new observations or from re-examination of older material, changes in nomenclature and phylogenetic studies.


  1. Abboud-Abi Saab, M., Bitar, G., Harmelin, J.G., Harmelin-Vivien, M., Romano, J.C. & Zibrowius, H. (2003) Environnement côtier et biodiversité marine sur les côtes libanaises; inventaire et mise en place d’un ensemble matériel et humain d’observation et d’analyse de leur évolution, degré d’altération des communautés benthiques littorales. Rapport Final, Programme de coopération Franco-Libanaise CEDRE, 1999–2002, 1–75.

  2. Aguilar, R., Garcia, S., Perry, A.L., Alvarez, H., Blanco, J. & Bitar, G. (2018) 2016 Deep-sea Lebanon Expedition: Exploring Submarine Canyons. Oceana, Madrid, 118 pp.

  3. Badreddine, A. & Bitar, G. (2019) First record of Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède 1801) (Chordata: Priacanthidae) in the Mediterranean Sea from the Lebanese waters. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 25 (2), 178–181.

  4. Badreddine, A. & Bitar, G. (2020) First record of the blackfish Centrolophus niger (teleostei: centrolophidae) from the Lebanese waters in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Lebanese Science Journal, 21 (2), 262–265

  5. Bariche, M. (2006) Diet of the Lessepsian fishes, Siganus rivulatus and S. luridus (Siganidae) in the eastern Mediterranean: A bibliographic analysis. Cybium, 30 (1), 41–49.

  6. Bariche, M., & Trilles, J.P. (2008) Ceratothoa collaris (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) new to the eastern Mediterranean, with a redescription and comments on its distribution and host specificity. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 88 (1), 85.

  7. Bariche, M. & Fricke, R. (2020) The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status. Zootaxa, 4775 (1), 1–157.

  8. Bariche, M. & Mavruk, S. (2020) In: Ragkousis, M., Abdelali, N., Azzurro, E., Badreddine, A., Bariche, M., Bitar, G., Crocetta, F., Denitto, F., Digenis, M., El Zrelli, R., Ergenler, A., Fortič, A., Gerovasileiou, V., Grimes, S., Katsanevakis, S., Koçak, C., Licchelli, C., Loudaros, E., Mastrototaro, F., Mavrič, B., Mavruk, S., Miliou, A., Montesanto, F., Ovalis, P., Pontes, M., Rabaoui, L., Sevingel, N., Spinelli, A., Tiralongo, F., Tsatiris, A., Turan, C., Vitale, D., Yalgin, F., Yapici, S. & Zenetos, A. (2020), New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (October 2020). Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (3), 631–652.

  9. Bariche, M., Alwan, N. & El-Fadel, M. (2006) Structure and biological characteristics of purse seine landings off the Lebanese coast (eastern Mediterranean). Fisheries Research, 82 (1–3), 246–252.

  10. Bariche, M., Al-Mabruk, S., Ateş, M., Büyük, A., Crocetta, F., Dritsas, M., Edde, D., Fortič, A., Gavriil, E., Gerovasileiou, V., Gökoðlu, M., Huseyinoglu, F., Karachle, P., Kleitou, P., Terbiyik Kurt, T., Langeneck, J., Lardicci, C., Lipej, L., Pavloudi, C., Pinna, M., Rizgalla, J., Rüþtü Özen, M., Sedano, F., Taşkin, E., Yildiz, G. & Zangaro, F. (2020) New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records 2020. Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (1), 129–145.

  11. Bath, H. (1977) Revision der Blenniini (Pisces: Blenniidae). Senckenbergiana. Biologica. 57 (4–6), 167–234.

  12. Bitar, G. (2008) National overview on vulnerability and impacts of climate change on marine and coastal biodiversity in lebanon. Contract RAC/SPA, 16, 1–35.

  13. Bitar, G. (2010) Impact des changements climatiques et des espèces exotiques sur la biodiversité et les habitats marins au Liban. Rapports Commission internationale Mer Méditerranée, 39, 452.

  14. Bitar, G. (2013) Sur la présence des poissons exotiques nouveaux de la côte libanaise (Méditerranée orientale). Rapport du Congrès de la Commission Internationale Pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, 40, 592.

  15. Bitar, G. (2015) In: Zenetos, Α., Akel, E., Apostolidis, C., Bilecenoglu, M., Bitar, G., Buchet, V., Chalari, N., Corsinifoka, M., Crocetta, F., Dogrammatzi, A., Drakulić, M., Fanelli, G., Giglio, G., Imsiridou, A., Kapiris, K., Pkarachle, P., Kavadas, S., Kondylatos, G., Lefkaditou, E., Lipej, L., Mavrič, B., Minos, G., Moussa, R., Pancucci-Papadopoulou, M., Prato, E., Renda, W., Ríos, N., Rizkalla, S., Russo, F., Servonnat, M., Siapatis, A., Sperone, E., Theodorou, J., Tiralongo, F. & Tzovenis, I. (2015), New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (April 2015). Mediterranean Marine Science, 16 (1), pp. 266–284.

  16. Bitar, G. & Badreddine, A. (2020a) s.n. In: Ragkousis, M., Abdelali, N., Azzurro, E., Badreddine, A., Bariche, M., Bitar, G., Crocetta, F., Denitto, F., Digenis, M., El Zrelli, R., Ergenler, A., Fortič, A., Gerovasileiou, V., Grimes, S., Katsanevakis, S., Koçak, C., Licchelli, C., Loudaros, E., Mastrototaro, F., Mavrič, B., Mavruk, S., Miliou, A., Montesanto, F., Ovalis, P., Pontes, M., Rabaoui, L., Sevingel, N., Spinelli, A., Tiralongo, F., Tsatiris, A., Turan, C., Vitale, D., Yalgin, F., Yapici, S. & Zenetos, A. (2020), New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (October 2020). Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (3), pp. 631–652.

  17. Bitar, G. & Badreddine, A. (2020b) On the presence of the black wing flyingfish Hirundichthys rondeletii (Valenciennes, 1846) in the Lebanese waters, eastern Mediterranean Sea. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 26 (3), 310-315.

  18. Bitar, G., Ocana, O. & Ramos-Espla, A. (2007) Contribution of the Red sea alien species to structuring some benthic biocenosis in the Lebanon coast (Eastern Mediterranean. Rapports Commission internationale Mer Méditerranée, 38, 437.

  19. Carpentieri, P., Lelli, S., Colloca, F., Mohanna, C., Bartolino, V., Moubayed, S. & Ardizzone, G.D. (2009) Incidence of lessepsian migrants on landings of the artisanal fishery of south Lebanon. Marine Biodiversity Records, 2, e71.

  20. Fowler, H.W. (1923) Fishes from Madeira, Syria, Madagascar, and Victoria, Australia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, 75, 33–45.

  21. Fricke, R. (2019) Eschmeyer’s Catalog of Fishes: References. Version 4 September 2019. Available from: (accessed 12 December 2020)

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  24. George, C.J., Athanassiou, V.A. & Boulos, I. (1964) The fishes of the coastal waters of Lebanon. Miscellaneous Papers in the Natural Sciences. The American University of Beirut, 4, 1–27.

  25. Gruvel, A. (1928) Répartition géographique de quelques crustacés comestibles sur les côtes d’Egypte et de Syrie. Comptes rendus de la société de biogéographie, 5 (39), 45–46.

  26. Gruvel, A. (1931) Les Etats de Syrie. Richesses marines et fluviales. Exploitation actuelle-Avenir. Société d’Editions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniale, 453 pp.

  27. IUCN-SPA/RAC (2017) s.n. In: Forcada, A., Valle, C., Bariche, M., Ben-Lamine, E., Sghaier, Y.R., Limam, A., Samaha, L. & Samaha, Z. (Eds.), Report of the marine survey in Tyre part of the sustainable fisheries management for improved livelihoods of the coastal fishing community in Tyre, south Lebanon. Funded by drosos foundation and implemented in partnership with ADR, Tyre, Lebanon, 14–23 April 2017, 1–128.

  28. Khalaf, G., Saad, A., Jemaa, S., Sabour, W., Lteif, M. & Lelli, S. (2014) Population structure and sexual maturity of the pufferfish Lagocephalus sceleratus (Osteichthyes, Tetraodontidae) in the Lebanese and Syrian marine waters (Eastern Mediterranean). Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, 4, 236–244.

  29. Kovačić, M., Lipej, L., Dulčić, J., Iglesias, S. & Goren, M. (2021) Evidence-based checklist of the Mediterranean Sea fish. Zootaxa 4998 (1), 001–115.

  30. Lakkis, S., Bitar, G., Novel-Lakkis, V. & Zeidane, R. (1996) Etude de la Diversité Biologique du Liban. Flore et Faune Marines. PNUE, Ministère de l’Agriculture, Beyrouth Publication, Beyrouth, Liban, 6, 1–123.

  31. Lakkis, S. (2013) Le zooplancton marin du Liban (Méditerranée orientale). Biologie, Biodiversité, Biogéographie. Aracne, Roma, 510 pp.

  32. Lelli, S. (2006) Evaluation and development of tow fishing métiers within the Tyre fishery sector: report on field survey carried out in june and july 2006. s.n., Lebanon, 55 pp.

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  34. Lteif, M. (2015) Biology, distribution and diversity of cartilaginous fish species along the Lebanese coast, eastern Mediterranean. Ecology, environment. Université de Perpignan, Perpignan, 309 pp. [NNT: 2015PERP0026]

  35. Majdalani, S. (2005) Census of Lebanese Fishing Vessels and Fishing Facilities. Ministry of Agriculture, Bir Hasan, 144 pp.

  36. Mavruk, S. & Bariche, M. (2020) In: Bo, M., Al Mabruk, S., Balistreri, P., Bariche, M., Batjakas, I., Betti, F., Bilan, M., Canese, S., Cattaneo-Vietti, R., Corsini-Foca, M., Crocetta, F., Deidun, A., Dulčić, J., Grinyό, J., Kampouris, T., Ketsilis-Rinis, V., Kousteni, V., Koutsidi, M., Lubinevsky, H., Mavruk, S., Mytilineou, C., Petani, A., Puig, P., Salomidi, M., Sbragaglia, V., Smith, C., Stern, N., Toma, M., Tsiamis, K., Zava, B. & Gerovasileiou, V. (2020) New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (October 2020). Mediterranean Marine Sciences, 21 (3), 608–630.

  37. MoE/aecid/Tragsa (2009) s.n. Guidelines for the management of the palm islands nature reserve, Lebanon, July 2009, 1–181.

  38. Moosleitner, H. (1988) The blennies of the peninsula Chalkidiki (GR) and their distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean (Pisces: Teleostei: Blennioidea). Thalassographica, 11 (1), 27–51.

  39. Mouneimné, N. (2002) Poissons marins du Liban et de la Mediterranée orientale. INCAM-EU/CNRS Lebanon, Beyrouth, 271pp.

  40. Nafpaktitis, B.G. (1963) A taxonomic study of the genus Blennius L. of Lebanon. MSc Thesis. American University of Beirut. Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Department of Biology, Beirut, 74 pp., 10 pls.

  41. RAC/SPA-UNEP/MAP (2014) Ecological characterization of sites of interest for conservation in Lebanon: Enfeh Peninsula, Ras Chekaa cliffs, Raoucheh, Saida, Tyre and Nakoura. By Ramos- Esplá, A.A., Bitar, G., Khalaf, G., El Shaer, H., Forcada, A., Limam, A., Ocana, O., Sghaier, Y.R. & Valle, C. Ed. RAC/SPA- MedMPAnet Project, Tunis, 146 pp. + annex.

  42. Sacchi, J., Dimech, M. (2011) Report of the FAO EastMed Assessment of the Fishing Gears in Lebanon. GCP/INT/041/EC- GRE-ITA/TD-09, Lebanon, 47 pp.

  43. Shiber, J.G. (1981) Metal concentrations in certain coastal organisms from Beirut. Hydrobiologia, 83 (2), 181–195.

  44. SPA/RAC-UN Environment/MAP (2017) s.n. In: Ramos-Esplá, A.A., Bitar, G., Forcada, A., Valle, C., Ocaña, O., Sghaier, Y.R., Samaha, Z., Kheriji, A. & Limam, A. (Eds.), Ecological characterization of potential new Marine Protected Areas in Lebanon: Batroun, Medfoun and Byblos. SPA/RAC. MedMPA Network Project, Tunis, pp. 193 pp., annex.

  45. SPA/RAC-UN Environment/MAP (2018a) National monitoring programme for marine Biodiversity in Lebanon. In: Bitar, G., Ramadan Jaradi, G., Hraoui-Bloquet, S. & Lteif, M. (Eds.), SPA/RAC EcAp Med II project, Tunis, pp. 1–111.

  46. SPA/RAC-UN Environment/MAP (2018b) s.n. In: Bariche, M., Forcada, A. (Eds.), Action Plan Concerning Species Introductions and Invasive species in Lebanon. SPA/RAC., Tunis, pp. 1–37, annex.

  47. Stern, N., Gouws, G., Golani, D, Goren, M. & Gon, O. (2019) Champsodontidae (Pisces: Trachinoidei) in the Eastern Mediterranean: how many species are there?. Journal of Natural History, 53 (47–48), 2869–2881.

  48. Zenetos, A., Çinar, M.E., Crocetta, F., Golani, D., Rosso, A., Servello, G., Shenkar, N.,  Turan, X. & Verlaque, M. (2017) Uncertainties and validation of alien species catalogues: The Mediterranean as an example. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 191, 171–187.

  49. Zenetos, A. & Galanidi, M. (2020) Mediterranean non indigenous species at the start of the 2020s: recent changes. Marine Biodiversity Records, 13 (1), 1­­–­17.
