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Type: Article
Published: 2021-08-27
Page range: 527-540
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The larvae of Chinese Hydropsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera), Part III: Hydromanicus melli Complex, H. canaliculatus, and H. umbonatus

College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 100193.
Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China 100193.
Trichoptera caddisfly larva life-stage association China DNA barcoding COI 28S-D2


A total of 45 adult and larval specimens of 6 Chinese Hydromanicus species are included in this molecular association analysis. Of these, the larvae of Hydromanicus melli Complex, H. canaliculatus, and H. umbonatus were associated with their adults using independent DNA sequences (the nuclear 28S-D2 fragment and the mitochondrial COI barcode gene) and were compared to metamorphotypes where available. Phylograms based on both genes revealed deep intraspecific divergences in several species, suggesting that cryptic diversity is likely common within the genus. Illustrated larval descriptions are provided for the three associated species. However, the larvae of species in the H. melli Complex cannot be morphologically differentiated from each other.



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