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Type: Article
Published: 2021-10-14
Page range: 280-286
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Taxonomic notes concerning the genus Catharsius Hope, 1837 (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)

African Natural History Research Trust, Street Court, Kingsland, Leominster HR6 9QA, UK.
Coleoptera taxonomy synonymy Africa Asia Harold Shipp Péringuey Ferreira


Catharsius harpagus Harold, 1877 and Catharsius parafastidiosus Ferreira, 1971, both previously considered to belong to the Afrotropical fauna, are herein synonymised with the Asian Catharsius birmanensis Lansberge, 1874 in what are the first cases of transcontinental mislabelling within this genus. This leaves the C. harpagus sensu Ferreira, 1960 (nec Harold) without a name, and Catharsius haroldi sp. nov. is thus described herein. Catharsius convexiusculus (Shipp, 1897) is transferred to the genus Metacatharsius Paulian, 1939, and Metacatharsius omoensis (Müller, 1941) is restored to its original combination in the genus Catharsius.



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