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Type: Article
Published: 2022-03-07
Page range: 451-489
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A review of the genus Colias Fabricius, 1807 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) from Qinghai with descriptions of a new subspecies of Colias thrasibulus Fruhstorfer, 1910

503, Unit 1, #1 Dongtinghu Road, Qingdao, P.R. China.
School of Economics and Management, Qinghai Nationalities University, Bayi Road No. 3, Xining, 810007, Qinghai, P.R. China.
Lepidoptera Coliadinae Coliadini new locality male genitalia new synonym fasciata adelaidae aegidii nebulosa karoensis aljinshana


The Colias fauna of Qinghai province, China is reviewed, chiefly based upon the reliable specimens collected by the junior author during his 23 explorations in the past 17 years, with only C. felderi not re-discovered. The male genitalia morphology of the Chinese Colias species is investigated in detail; it proves that male genital characters are useless for the taxonomy in most cases as stated by previous researchers. Colias adelaidae is first reported from Central Qinghai, close to C. arida in distribution, with the diagnostic differences among C. arida cakana, C. wanda wanda and C. adelaidae adelaidae clarified. The taxonomy of C. wanda yangguifei is discussed, with its male holotype figured in color for the first time. The type localities of C. wanda yangguifei and C. grumi aljinshana (synonym of C. grumi) are clarified. Colias aegidii is considered as either a synonym (syn. nov.) or an ecological form of C. sifancia, with the first reliable specimen recorded from Qinghai. More specimens of the very rare Colias thrasibulus fasciata are reported from the type locality, Yushu, SE. Qinghai. Colias thrasibulus angustomarginata ssp. nov. is described from Central Qinghai. Altitude distributions and flight periods are recorded, biotopes are figured and collecting localities are mapped for most Colias species from Qinghai. Subspecies of C. nebulosa are discussed, with two new populations of C. nebulosa karoensis recorded by senior author from Luozha and Cuomei, Shannan Prefecture, Tibet.



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