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Type: Article
Published: 2008-02-18
Page range: 21–39
Abstract views: 98
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A complex of putative acanthocolpid cercariae (Digenea) from Nassarius olivaceus and N. dorsatus (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) in Central Queensland, Australia

Centre for Environmental Management, Central Queensland University, Bruce Highway, North Rockhampton, Queensland 4702, Australia
College of Sciences, Central Queensland University, Bruce Highway, North Rockhampton, Queensland 4702, Australia
Centre for Marine Studies and Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia
Platyhelminthes Cercaria capricornia Capricornia Acanthocolpidae Nassarius dorsatus new species gastropod parasites


Cercariae capricornia I–VI, six new cercariae putatively identified as belonging to the Acanthocolpidae, are described and named from prosobranch gastropods of the family Nassariidae collected from the intertidal zone in the Capricornia region, Central Queensland, Australia. Four species are reported from Nassarius olivaceus and two from N. dorsatus. The cercariae have a unique and complex three-dimensional body shape, including a keel, which differentiates them from previously described acanthocolpid cercariae. These are the first cercariae to be described from these gastropods.


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