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Type: Article
Published: 2022-05-12
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Avian type localities and the type specimens collected by Johan August Wahlberg in southern Africa

Research Associate, FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701 South Africa. Wolwekraal Conservation and Research Organisation, P. O. Box 47, Prince Albert 6930, South Africa. 3South African Environmental Observation Network, Arid Lands Node, Kimberley, South Africa.
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Zoology, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden.
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Zoology, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden.
Thysanoptera Phlaeothripinae Plectrothripini allometric growth new genus Nazonothrips


Avian type specimens collected in southern Africa between 1839–1856 by J.A. Wahlberg for the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm (Naturhistoriska riksmuseet; NRM) are listed. Each species account discusses collection sites, nomenclature, and taxonomy, and as needed, gives notes from Wahlberg’s journal of travel routes and camp sites that correct or modify type localities.



  1. Bowie, R.C.K. (2005) Zosterops lateralis. In: Hockey, P.A.R., Dean, W.R.J. & Ryan, P.G. (Eds.), Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa, 7th edition. John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town, pp. 823–824.
  2. Brinck, P. (1955) Swedish exploration of South African animal life during 200 years. In: Hanstrom, B., Brinck, P. & Rudebeck, G. (Eds.), South African Animal Life. Vol. 1. Almquist & Wiksell, Stockholm, pp. 11–61.
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  17. Hartlaub, G. (1865) Monographischer Versuch über die Gattung Zosterops. Journal für Ornithologie, 13 (73), 1–30. DOI:
  18. Hockey, P.A.R., Dean, W.R.J. & Ryan, P.G. (Eds.), (2005) Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa. 7th Edition. John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town, 1296 pp.
  19. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 4th Edition. The Natural History Museum, London, 306 pp.
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  21. Keith, S., Urban, E.K. & Fry, C.H. (Eds.), (1992) The Birds of Africa. Vol. 4 [Broadbills to Thrushes]. Academic Press, London, 15 + 609 pp., 32 pls.
  22. Levaillant, F. (1799–1808) Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d’Afrique, 6 volumes. Chez J.J. Fuchs, Paris, 194 + 206 + 231 + 141 + 163 + 188 pp.
  23. Lönnberg, E. (1926) The ornithological collection of the Natural History Museum in Stockholm. Auk, 43, 434–446. DOI:
  24. Macdonald, J.D. (1957) Contribution to the Ornithology of Western South Africa. Results of the British Museum (Natural History) South West African Expedition 1949–50. Trustees of the British Museum, London, xi + 174 pp.
  25. Moreau, R.E. (1967) African Zosteropidae. In: Paynter Jr., R.A. (Ed.), Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 12. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 327–337.
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  27. Petermann, A. (1868) Das Capland N’Ebst den Süd-Afrikanischen Freistaaten und dem Gebiet der Hottentotten & Kaffern im maassstabe [sic] von 1: 5,000,000. Justus Perthes, Gotha. [unknown pagination]
  28. Peters, J.L. (1960a) Family Alaudidae. In: Mayr, E. & Greenway Jr., J.C. (Eds.), Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 9. Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 3–80.
  29. Peters, J.L. (1960b) Family Hirundinidae. In: Mayr, E. & Greenway Jr., J.C. (Eds.), Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 9. Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 80–129.
  30. Rookmaaker, L.C. (1986) The location of Levaillant’s “Pays d’Auténiquois”. Ostrich, 57, 189–190.
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  33. Sclater, W.L. (1930) s.n. In: Systema Avium Aethiopicarum: a Systematic List of the Birds of the Ethiopian Region. Part 2. Taylor & Francis for the British Ornithologists’ Union, London, pp. i–xi + 305–922.
  34. Sharpe, R.B. (1874) A study of the larks of Southern Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1874, 614–651. DOI:
  35. Skead, C.J. (1973) Zoo Historical Gazetteer. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums, 10, 1–259.
  36. Smith, A. (1838–1849) Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa: Consisting Chiefly of Figures and Descriptions of the Objects of Natural History Collected during an Expedition into the Interior of South Africa, in the Years 1834, 1835, and 1836; Fitted out by “the Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa”: Together with a Summary of African Zoology, and an Inquiry into the Geographical Ranges of Species in that Quarter of the Globe. 28 Parts. Smith, Elder & Co., London. [unknown pagination] DOI:
  37. Smith, N. & Bowie, R.C.K. (2005) Zosterops capensis. In: Hockey, P.A.R., Dean, W.R.J. & Ryan, P.G. (Eds.), Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa, 7th edition. John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town, pp. 822–823.
  38. Stiebel, L., Carruthers, J., Forbes, V.L. & Etherington, N. (2001) Thomas Baines and the “Great Map”. Route of the Goldfields Exploration Company Expedition, 1869–1872. University of Natal, Durban. [CD-Rom]
  39. Sundevall, C.J. (1850) Foglar från södra Afrika. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-akademiens förhandlingar, 7 (4), 96–111.
  40. Sundevall, C.J. (1857) Kritisk framställning af fogelarterna uti äldre ornithologiska arbeten. 2. Le Vaillant, Oiseaux d’Afrique. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-akademiens Handlingar, Ny följd, Band 2, 16–60. DOI:
  41. Traylor Jr., M.A. (1968) Family Estrildidae, Waxbills, Grass Finches, and Mannikins (African). In: Paynter Jr., R.A. (Ed.), Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 14. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 306–390.
  42. Traylor Jr., M.A. (1986a) Family Muscicapidae (sensu stricto), Old World Flycatchers (African). In: Mayr, E. & Cottrell, G.W. (Eds.), Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 11. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 295–375.
  43. Traylor Jr., M.A. (1986b) Family Sylviidae, Old World Warblers (African). In: Mayr, E. & Cottrell, G.W. (Eds.), Check-List of Birds of the World. Vol. 11. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 3–294.
  44. Urban, E.K., Fry, C.H. & Keith, S. (Eds.) (1997) The Birds of Africa. Vol. 5 [Thrushes to Shrike-Flycatchers]. Academic Press, London, xix + 669 pp., 32 pls.
  45. van den Hoek Ostende, L.W., Dekker, R.W.R.J. & Keijl, G.O. (1997) Type-specimens of birds in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden. Part 1. Non-passerines. NNM (Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum) Technical Bulletin, 1, 1–248.
  46. Vieillot, L.-P. (1818) s.n. In: Virey, J.J. (Ed.), Nouveau Dictionnaire d’Histoire Naturelle. Vol. 21. MIN-MOZ. Deterville, Paris, pp. 1–612.
  47. Wahlberg, J.A. (1855) 6. Bref från J.A. Wahlberg. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-akademiens förhandlingar, 12 (4), 211–212. [published 1856]
  48. Wahlberg, J.A. (1855, published 1856) Nya fogelarter från Damara-landet i södra Afrika. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-akademiens förhandlingar, 12 (4), 213–215.
  49. Wahlberg, J.A. (1856) Hr J.A. Wahlbergs resa i södra Afrika. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-akademiens förhandlingar, 13 (6–7), 173–174. [for 1856published 1857
  50. Warren, R.L.M. & Harrison, C.J.O. (1971) Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 2. Passerines. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London, 628 pp.
  51. White, C.M.N. (1960) A Check List of the Ethiopian Muscicapidae (Sylviinae). Part 1. Occasional Papers of the National Museums of Southern Rhodesia, 24B, 399–430.
  52. White, C.M.N. (1961) A Revised Check List of African Broadbills, Pittas, Larks, Swallows, Wagtails and Pipits. Government Printer, Lusaka, 84 pp.
  53. White, C.M.N. (1962) A Revised Check List of African Shrikes, Orioles, Drongos, Starlings, Crows, Waxwings, Cuckoo-shrikes, Bulbuls, Accentors, Thrushes and Babblers. Government Printer, Lusaka, 176 pp.
  54. White, C.M.N. (1963) A Revised Check List of African Flycatchers, Tits, Tree Creepers, Sunbirds, White-eyes, Honey eaters, Buntings, Finches, Weavers and Waxbills. Government Printer, Lusaka, 122 pp.
  55. Zeyher, C.L. (1855) Botanical notices on a journey into the interior of southern Africa, in company with Mr Burke. Hookers Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany, 7, 362–370.