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Type: Article
Published: 2008-03-12
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Robber flies of South Korea-V. South Korean species of the Subfamily Apocleinae Papavero, 1973 (Diptera, Asilidae)

Wonkwang University, College of Education, Dept. of Eng. Ed. 344-2 Shinyoung-Dong, Iksan City, Chonbuk, South Korea. 570-749. South Korea
Mlékovice 40, 281 44 Zásmuky, Czech Republik
Diptera Asilidae Apocleinae robber flies check-list new records Philodicus Promachus South Korean species


Two genera and 5 species within the subfamily Apocleinae Papavero, 1973 are recorded from South Korea. New records include: Philodicus integer (Macquart, 1846), Promachus anicius (Walker, 1849), Promachus chinensis Ricardo, 1920 and Promachus nigribarbatus (Becker, 1925). The genus Philodicus Loew is a new record for the area. Drawings of diagnostic features, a checklist, key and descriptions are included.


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