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Type: Article
Published: 2022-08-12
Page range: 525-550
Abstract views: 328
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New species of the genus Philotella Najt & Weiner, 1985 (Collembola, Neanuridae, Pseudachorutinae) from the Russian Far East

Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119071, Russia
State Natural Reserve «Privolzhskaya Lesostep», Penza 440031, Russia
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow 129278, Russia
Collembola springtails α-taxonomy morphology East Palaearctic regional key


Eight new species of the genus Philotella, i.e. P. pax sp. nov., P. oligotricha sp. nov., P. cedrina sp. nov., P. aliniensis sp. nov., P. amurica sp. nov., P. alba sp. nov., P. pallida sp. nov., and P. caeca sp. nov., are described based on extensive ecological samplings conducted by specialists of the Department of Zoology and Ecology, Moscow State Pedagogical University, in various parts of the Russian Far East. Three previously known species were transferred from the genus Micranurida to Philotella to become P. grana (Lee & Kim, 1984) comb. nov., P. porcella (Fjellberg, 1985) comb. nov. and P. japonica (Tamura, 1998) comb. nov. The main diagnostic features of the genus and its differences from the most similar genera of the subfamily Pseudachorutinae are discussed, and a regional key for identifying the Eastern Palearctic species of the genus is given.



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