After one century, the third instar myrmecophilous larva of Paussus (Semipaussus) kannegieteri Wasmann 1896 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussinae, Paussini), is redescribed and illustrated according to modern scientific standards. A fine morphological study performed with the aid of both light and scanning electron microscopes, reveals the presence of several peculiar types of trichomes, sensilla, glandular pores and other cuticular structures often overlooked by previous authors. These microstructures, especially those connected to myrmecophily, greatly vary among the taxa of Paussini known at larval stage (mainly Arthropterus vs. Paussus+Platyrhopalopsis), indicating that different strategies for interacting with ants may have evolved within this tribe. They also seem to be good candidates as diagnostic taxonomic characters within the genus Paussus Linnaeus 1775. The possible function of these and other derived structures of the P. kannegieteri larva are discussed.References
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