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Type: Article
Published: 2003-10-24
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A new species of Neotanais Beddard (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the Subantartctic, off the Falkland Islands

Department of Marine Biology, Texas A & M University, Galveston, Fort Crockett Campus, Galveston 77551, Texas, USA
Laboratory of Polar Biology and Oceanobiology, University of Lodz, Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Lodz, Poland
Crustacea Tanaidacea Neotanaidae Subantarctic deep sea Neotanais


The male and female of Neotanais krappschickelae n.sp., from the Subantarctic off the Falkland Islands are described from the RV Eltanin deep-water cruises of 1962. Both male and female of the new species can be separated from other species by the combination of characters including: a densely setose dorsal margin of the cheliped carpus, dactylus and fixed finger of subequal length; cheliped sclerite, all pereopodal bases, and posterior-lateral edges of pereonites with numerous plumose setae. The recent activity within tanaidacean taxonomy including neotanaid taxonomy has made it necessary to re-diagnose Neotanais.


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