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Type: Article
Published: 2023-01-24
Page range: 401-438
Abstract views: 369
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Orthoptera faunas of Dinara, Svilaja, Kamešnica, and Troglav mountains and Livanjsko polje

Matice hrvatske 11, 80101 Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Division of Zoology, Evolution Lab, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
3 Heidelberg University, Grabengasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
4 Put Skalica 13, 21000 Split, Croatia
5 Natural History Museum Split, Kolombatovićevo šetalište 2, 21000 Split, Croatia
6 Srednja strukovna škola Šibenik, Ante Šupuka 31, 22000 Šibenik, Croatia
1 Matice hrvatske 11, 80101 Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Matice hrvatske 11, 80101 Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Division of Zoology, Evolution Lab, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Orthoptera Dinarides Dinaric Alps grasshopper bush cricket checklist Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina


The Balkan peninsula is an important biogeographic region of Europe which houses the Dinaric Alps, a mountain range rich in biodiversity. The fauna of Orthoptera has, in recent years, been an important subject of study in Croatia, but many of the Dinaric mountains in Croatia remain poorly sampled. Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the exception of some foreign expeditions, remains almost completely unknown with regards to the distribution of Orthoptera. This paper presents the inventory of the orthopteran faunas of Dinara, Svilaja, Kamešnica, and Troglav mountains and Livanjsko polje, with research conducted in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021 and 2022. A total of 67 localities were visited and 115 species were recorded. For each species in each locality, a simple abundance estimation was carried out and is reported here. A comparative checklist of species is provided, combining the literature and newly gathered data. Although many species were recorded, most of the visited areas would benefit from more research. Recently, with the establishment of Dinara Nature Park, conservation efforts in Croatia have increased but the same cannot be said for Bosnia and Herzegovina, where more conservation work is required.



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