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Type: Article
Published: 2023-02-23
Page range: 527-552
Abstract views: 310
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Reclassification of Teloganodes Eaton 1882 (including subgenera Dudgeodes Sartori 2008 and Derlethina Sartori 2008) with a new species from Sulawesi (Ephemeroptera, Teloganodidae)

Department of Entomology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia.
mayflies systematics Indonesia Ephemerelloidea Pantricorythi Ephemeroptera


The genera Teloganodes Eaton 1882 sensu Sartori et al. 2008 and Dudgeodes Sartori 2008 in the original sense, were artificial taxa, and the genus Derlethina Sartori 2008 differed from them only by greater reduction of posterior tergalii. In the present paper, the genus Teloganodes is accepted in wide sense and includes the 3 following formal subgenera: (1) subgenus Teloganodes, stat. n. (= Macafertiella Wang in Wang & McCafferty 1996) contains only species with 5 pairs of tergalii (i.e. tergalii II–VI); (2) subgenus Dudgeodes Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008, stat. n. contains all species with 4 pairs of tergalii (i.e. tergalii II–V); (3) subgenus Derlethina Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008, stat. n. contains species with 3 pairs of tergalii (i.e. tergalii II–IV). The species Teloganodes jacobusi Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008 and T. hubbardi Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008 are moved to the subgenus Dudgeodes. The following new combinations are established: Teloganodes (Dudgeodes) hutanis (Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008) comb. n.; T. (D.) stephani (Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008) comb. n.; T. (D.) ulmeri (Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008) comb. n.; T. (D.) pescadori (Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008) comb. n.; T. (D.) celebensis (Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008) comb. n.; T. (D.) palnius (Selvakumar et al. in Selvakumar et al. 2014) comb. n.; T. (D.) bharathidasani (Anbalagan in Anbalagan et al. 2015) comb. n.; T. (D.) romani (Martynov et al. 2016) comb. n.; T. (D.) bauernfeindi (Garces & Sartori in Garces et al. 2020) comb. n.; T. (D.) freitagi (Garces & Sartori in Garces et al. 2020) comb. n.; T. (D.) luntian (Garces & Sartori in Garces et al. 2020) comb. n.; T. (D.) pangantihoni (Garces & Sartori in Garces et al. 2020) comb. n.; T. (D.) tabang (Garces & Sartori in Garces et al. 2020) comb. n.; T. (D.) vonrinteleni (Garces & Sartori in Garces et al. 2020) comb. n.; T. (D.) sartorii (Srinivasan et al. 2021) comb. n.; T. (D.) molinerii (Sivaruban et al. in Martynov et al. 2022) comb. n.; T. (D.) selvakumari (Martynov & Palatov in Martynov et al. 2022) comb. n.; T. (Derlethina) eloisae (Sartori in Sartori et al. 2008) comb. n.; T. (Derlethina) tamiraparaniae (Selvakumar et al. in Selvakumar et al. 2014) comb. n. Larvae, subimagines, imagines of both sexes and eggs of T. (D.) celebensis are described; a new species, T. (D.) rasus sp. n. is described from Sulawesi based on male imago and subimago reared from larva.


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