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Type: Article
Published: 2008-06-09
Page range: 37–46
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On the identity of the species described in the genus Lithobius Leach, 1814 by L. J. Dobroruka from the former Czechoslovakia (Czech and Slovak Republics) (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha)

Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Svobody 26, 77200 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wilcza 64, 00-679 Warszawa, Poland
Institute of Soil Biology, Biology Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Na Sádkách 7, 37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Myriapoda Lithobius taxonomy synonymy Czech Republic Slovakia


Type material of the species or subspecies from the centipede genus Lithobius Leach, 1814 found in Dobroruka´s collection, as well as the specimens identified by Dobroruka from the collections of the National Museum in Prague and of the Southern Moravia Museum in Znojmo were revised. As a result, all nine species or subspecies of Lithobius described by Dobroruka from former Czechoslovakia are synonyms of other European species, as follows: Lithobius corrigendus Dobroruka,1988 = Lithobius lucifugus L. Koch, 1862; Lithobius erythrocephalus mohelensis Dobroruka,1959 = Lithobius erythrocephalus C.L. Koch, 1847; Lithobius evae Dobroruka,1958 = Lithobius tenebrosus Meinert, 1872; Lithobius magurensis Dobroruka,1971 = Lithobius muticus C.L. Koch, 1847; Lithobius purkynei Dobroruka,1957 = Lithobius macilentus L. Koch, 1862; Lithobius pusillus johni Dobroruka,1959 = Lithobius lapidicola Meinert, 1872; Lithobius tatricus Dobroruka,1958 = Lithobius mutabilis L. Koch, 1862; Lithobius tatricus monounguis Dobroruka,1958 = Lithobius latro Meinert, 1872; and Monotarsobius homolaci Dobroruka,1971 = Lithobius (Sigibius) burzenlandicus Verhoeff, 1931.


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