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Type: Article
Published: 2008-06-12
Page range: 1–52
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The Lasiocampidae of Iran (Lepidoptera)

University of Uljanovsk, pl. 100-letia Lenina 4, RUS-432700 Uljanovsk, Russia
Insect Taxonomy Research Department (ITRD), Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), formerly Plant Pests & Diseases Research Institute (PPDRI), P.O. Box 19395, Tehran 1454, Iran
Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Iran systematics


An annotated taxonomic checklist of the 37 species of Iranian Lasiocampidae is presented and bionomic data are summarized for the country. Ten species are listed as new to Iran, and previous misidentifications in the Iranian lasiocampid fauna are corrected. Nomenclatural actions taken herein include: the description of Malacosoma parallela iranica Zolotuhin & Zahiri, ssp. nov.; elevation to species rank of Trichiura kopetdaghi Dubatolov & Zolotuhin, 1992, stat. nov., from a subspecies of T. mirzayani Ebert, 1971; and a new synonymy Bombyx Herzi Christoph, 1888, = Bombyx Concolor Christoph, 1893, syn. nov. In addition, Chilena sordida (Erschoff, 1874) is considered a superspecies complex, and females are described for the first time for Giselea pistaciae Wiltshire, 1952, Phyllodesma glasunowi (Grum-Grzhimailo, 1895), and Streblote solitaria Zolotuhin, 1991.


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