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Published: 2023-05-31
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The Palaearctic types of Chrysididae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) deposited in the Linsenmaier collection. Part 4. Elampini: genus Omalus Panzer, 1801

Natur-Museum Luzern; Kasernenplatz 6; CH-6003 Luzern; Switzerland; University of Mons; Research Institute for Biosciences; Laboratory of Zoology; Place du parc 20; 7000; Mons; Belgium
Natur-Museum Luzern; Kasernenplatz 6; CH-6003 Luzern; Switzerland
Natur-Museum Luzern; Kasernenplatz 6; CH-6003 Luzern; Switzerland
Hymenoptera Chrysidinae elampini subgenera catalogue synonym


An illustrated catalogue of the Palaearctic types of species and subspecies described by Walter Linsenmaier in Omalus Panzer, 1801 is given. Linsenmaier described 16 species and subspecies of Omalus; most of the primary types are deposited in the collection at the Natur-Museum in Luzern, Switzerland, with the exception of four holotypes which are deposited at the Natural History Museum in London, UK; Nationalparkzentrum in Zernez, Switzerland; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zurich, Switzerland; and Museo de Naturaleza y Arqueologia in St. Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. A list of the species described and pictures of 13 primary and secondary types are presented. A synthesis of his classification is given, with comments and comparison to modern classification.



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