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Type: Article
Published: 2023-08-04
Page range: 7-23
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Description of the ontogenetic changes in the morphology of Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agriculture University; Taigu; China
Plant Health & Environment Laboratory; Ministry for Primary Industries; Auckland; New Zealand
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research; Private Bag 92170; Auckland; New Zealand. School of Biological Sciences; The University of Auckland; Auckland; New Zealand
Acari Mesostigmata predator mites immature stages ontogeny


This paper reports the results of our studies of the morphological ontogeny of Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) based primarily on specimens reared in a laboratory at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand. We describe all postembryonic stages and illustrate them in detail: the larva, protonymph, deutonymph (male and female), and adult female and male.



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