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Type: Article
Published: 2023-08-04
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Morphological ontogeny of Oribatula heterochaeta (Acari, Oribatida, Oribatulidae), with comments on some species of Oribatula Berlese

Department of Evolutionary Biology; Faculty of Biological Sciences; Kazimierz Wielki University; Bydgoszcz; Poland
Faculty of Applied Ecology; Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology; Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences; Elverum; Norway
Department of Evolutionary Biology; Faculty of Biological Sciences; Kazimierz Wielki University; Bydgoszcz; Poland
Acari oribatid mites juveniles excentrosclerites leg setation ecology sex ratio


The morphological ontogeny of Oribatula heterochaeta (Feider et al., 1970) is described and illustrated. The larva of this species has 12 pairs of gastronotal setae including h3 and the nymphs have 15 pairs; most are of medium size and barbed except for short and smooth h3 in the larva and p3 in the protonymph and deutonymph. In the larva, the excentrosclerites are present at four pairs of gastronotal setae (c2, la, lp, h1), and in the nymphs at seven pairs (c2, la, lp, h-series, p1). Comparisons of known morphological ontogeny of species in Oribatula are given.



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