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Published: 2023-08-18
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Type specimens and type localities of birds (Aves) collected by Gustav Adolf Fischer (1848–1886) in East Africa

Museum für Naturkunde; Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science; Invalidenstraße 43; D-10115 Berlin; Germany
P.O. Box 1651; Naivasha 20117; Kenya
Museum der Natur Hamburg; Zoologie; Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change; Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3; 20146 Hamburg; Germany
Aves nomenclature taxonomy type Gustav A. Fischer Tanzania Kenya


Gustav Adolf Fischer (1848–1886) was an important German naturalist and ornithological collector in Africa. The extensive ornithological collections from his several expeditions were sent to at least two different museums (Zoological Museum Berlin and Zoological Museum Hamburg), and to a smaller extent, some private sales are assumed. Together with Anton Reichenow, Fischer described many species new to science, so the many types in the collections make them especially important. We located 616 bird specimens in the collections of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Museum der Natur Hamburg along with a few further specimens in the collections of the Museum Heineanum Halberstadt, the Naturalis Biodiversity Center Leiden, The Natural History Museum-UK (Tring), the American Museum of Natural History, New York and the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. Among these, type specimens for 133 species and subspecies of birds were traced. For all of them, an update of the collecting localities with particular emphasis on some previously unknown locations is provided. A taxonomic update of the described species is given and a designation of lectotypes for the following four taxa was necessary: Francolinus Altumi G.A. Fischer & Reichenow, 1884, Accipiter minullus tropicalis Reichenow, 1898, Hypochera ultramarina var. orientalis Reichenow, 1894 and Spinus citrinelloides frontalis Reichenow, 1904b.



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