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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-11
Page range: 386-394
Abstract views: 501
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A new species of Brasixenos Kogan & Oliveira, 1966 (Strepsiptera: Xenidae) from Mexico

Red de Ecología Funcional; Instituto de Ecología AC; Carretera Antigua a Coatepec 351; El Haya; 91073 Xalapa; Veracruz; Mexico
Red de Ecología Funcional; Instituto de Ecología AC; Carretera Antigua a Coatepec 351; El Haya; 91073 Xalapa; Veracruz; Mexico
Laboratorio de Toxicología; Facultad de Biología-Xalapa; Universidad Veracruzana; Zona Universitaria; Circuito Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán; s/n; 91000 Xalapa; Veracruz; Mexico
Laboratorio de Toxicología; Facultad de Biología-Xalapa; Universidad Veracruzana; Zona Universitaria; Circuito Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán; s/n; 91000 Xalapa; Veracruz; Mexico
Strepsiptera Endoparasitism Epiponini Neotropics Polybia Stylopidia


The first record of the genus Brasixenos Kogan & Oliveira is presented for Mexico with the description of B. mesoamericanus, a species found in localities from central Veracruz state. The males of this species are characterized by the mouthparts shape, wing venation, and genitalia. The females are identified by their reduced size and the mandible morphology. Polybia plebeja is identified as the host of this species. The biology and distribution of Brasixenos, and challenges in the study of this genus in the Neotropical region are discussed.



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