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Published: 2023-10-17
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A preliminary account of the Arctic/Subarctic Suberites (Porifera: Demospongiae) fauna

Kazan Federal University; Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology; Kazan; Russia
Russian Federal Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography; Laboratory of Hydrobiology; Murmansk; Russia
Laboratory of Zoobenthos; Murmansk Marine Biological Institute; Murmansk; Russia
Kazan Federal University; Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology; Kazan; Russia
Porifera Arctic sponges PoriferaSuberites revision


Sponges of the genus Suberites are quite polymorphic and diverse, yet the delimitation of species within the group has always been challenging since there are only a few spicule types that show little, or sometimes no variation in closely allied species. Koltun (1966) created a variety, S. domuncula var. ficussomething of a “dustbin assemblage”—with a geographic distribution ranging from the North Atlantic, across the Arctic, to the North Pacific Oceans. Our study shows that in the Arctic/Subarctic region, boreal S. ficus is replaced by a mix of closely related species: in the western-Arctic—S. lutkenii, in the eastern-Arctic—S. cebriones. A defining feature—centrotylote microxeas—sets the northern species group apart from the boreal S. ficus and all other congeners known outside the Arctic/Subarctic seas. Altogether, we report seven species and one variety belonging to Suberites from the European Arctic/Subarctic. Five species are Arctic endemics: S. lutkenii, S. spermatozoon, S. montiniger, S. glasenappii, and S. cebriones. One species, S. virgultosus, is a typical boreal. S. syringella is apparently a species complex.



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How to Cite

Morozov, G., Strelkova, N.A., Zimina, O. & Sabirov, R. (2023) A preliminary account of the Arctic/Subarctic Suberites (Porifera: Demospongiae) fauna. Zootaxa, 5357 (1), 50–70.