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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-17
Page range: 71-99
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Philippine species of the genus Prothyma Hope, 1838 (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Part 2. Subgenus Symplecthyma Rivalier, 1964

Institute of Life Science and Technologies; Daugavpils University; Vienibas 13-229; LV-5401 Daugavpils; Latvia
Dresdener Ring 11; D-38444 Wolfsburg; Germany
Coleoptera tiger beetles key systematics new species new synonymies


The Philippine species of the subgenus Symplecthyma Rivalier, 1964 within the genus Prothyma Hope, 1838 are revised to include eight species. Prothyma (Symplecthyma) bella Dheurle & Colas, 2018 syn. nov. is synonymized with Prothyma (Symplecthyma) coerulea opacosericea Horn, 1929 comb. nov.; Prothyma (Symplecthyma) boholensis Dheurle, 2012 syn. nov. and P. (Symplecthyma) nitida Rivalier, 1964 syn. nov. are synonymized with Prothyma (Symplecthyma) aeneoparva Horn, 1934. Four new species from Mindanao are described: Prothyma (Symplecthyma) inopinata sp. nov., Prothyma (Symplecthyma) eureka sp. nov., Prothyma (Symplecthyma) sciakyi sp. nov. and Prothyma (Symplecthyma) kapuka sp. nov. Taxonomic problems in the subgenus Symplecthyma are discussed. Keys to species are provided. Color photographs of the habitus and diagnostic characters, including their variability among all species, are presented.



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How to Cite

ANICHTCHENKO, A. & WIESNER, J. (2023) Philippine species of the genus Prothyma Hope, 1838 (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Part 2. Subgenus Symplecthyma Rivalier, 1964. Zootaxa, 5357 (1), 71–99.