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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-25
Page range: 57-81
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A new species of the Chaoborus flavicans complex (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in South Korea

School of Biological Sciences; Seoul 08826; Seoul National University; Republic of Korea; Comparative Medicine Disease Research Center; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea
School of Biological Sciences; Seoul 08826; Seoul National University; Republic of Korea; Comparative Medicine Disease Research Center; Seoul National University; Seoul 08826; Republic of Korea
Diptera Phantom midges reverse taxonomy taxonomy DNA barcode South Korea


Using reverse taxonomy and morphological analyses, this study describes a new species belonging to the C. flavicans species complex in the Korean Peninsula, Chaoborus pseudoflavicans Bang & Shin sp. nov. Descriptions of the new species from larvae to adults are provided, and the key to the C. flavicans species complex is updated accordingly. DNA barcodes (COI partial sequences) are shown to be sufficient for molecular identification in the C. flavicans species complex. Finally, the taxonomic accounts of all species in the C. flavicans complex are completely resolved for the first time.



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How to Cite

BANG, W.J. & SHIN, S. (2023) A new species of the Chaoborus flavicans complex (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in South Korea. Zootaxa, 5360 (1), 57–81.