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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-26
Page range: 239-254
Abstract views: 353
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A new species of Vehilius Godman, 1900 (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Hesperiinae) endemic to the Caatinga, northeastern Brazil: taxonomy, biology and behavior

Laboratório de Ecologia e Interações de Insetos da Caatinga; Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Biológicas; Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; CEP 58700-970; Patos; Paraíba; Brasil
Laboratório de Ecologia e Interações de Insetos da Caatinga; Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Biológicas; Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; CEP 58700-970; Patos; Paraíba; Brasil
Reserva Serra Bonita; P. O. Box 001; Camacã; Bahia; Brazil
Laboratório de Ecologia e Interações de Insetos da Caatinga; Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Biológicas; Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; CEP 58700-970; Patos; Paraíba; Brasil
Lepidoptera ecology hostplant immature stages Moncina Panicum trichoides semiarid skippers


A new species belonging to the genus Vehilius Godman, 1900, Vehilius jabre Medeiros, Souza & Kerpel sp. nov., endemic to the Caatinga biome, northeastern Brazil, is here described based on data from adult and immature stages. Information about the biology, hostplant, distribution, and adult and larval behavior of the new species is provided. The new species is morphologically similar to Vehilius warreni (Weeks, 1901), but can be distinguished by a set of characters on wings and male and female genitalia. Adults and genitalia for both sexes of V. jabre sp. nov. and V. warreni are illustrated and compared.



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