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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-27
Page range: 301-354
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Revision of the genus Dilophus Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Bibionidae) from the Afrotropical Ecozone

NLA University College Bergen; P.O. Box 74 Sandviken; N-5812 Bergen; Norway
The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History; Israel National Center for Biodiversity Studies; Department of Zoology; The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv 69978; Israel
Diptera Bibionidae Dilophus Afrotropical Ecozone


We revise the Afrotropical species of the genus Dilophus Meigen, redescribing each species. Previous Afrotropical records of the Palaearctic species Dilophus antipedalis Wiedemann and Dilophus femoratus Meigen are found to be erroneous, both these represent undescribed species, the former is distributed in the mountains along the southern Rift Valley and described as Dilophus riftensis sp.n., specimens recorded as the latter from Madagascar is described as Dilophus malagasicus sp.n.. Furthermore, one montane or alpine species apparently endemic to Ethiopia is described, Dilophus baleensis sp.n.. Philia splendens Hardy, 1951 is found to be a junior synonym of Dilophus bicolor Wiedemann, 1821. We summarise what is known about the distribution and phenology of these species in the Afrotropical ecozone.



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