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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-30
Page range: 451-486
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Revision of the Amphibolipsniger’ group with the description of a new species (Hymenoptera: Cynipini)

Universitat de Barcelona; Facultat de Biologia; Departament de Biologia Evolutiva; Ecología i Ciències Ambientals; Avda. Diagonal 645; 08028-Barcelona; Catalonia
Plant Health Diagnostic National Reference Laboratory; National Food Chain Safety Office; Budaörsi str. 141-145; Budapest 1118; Hungary
Australian National Insect Collection; CSIRO; Clunies Ross Street; Acton; ACT 2601 Australia
Institute of Evolutionary Biology; University of Edinburgh; King’s Buildings; West Mains Road; Edinburgh EH9 3JT; Scotland; U.K.
Instituto de Fitosanidad; Colegio de Postgraduados; 56230 Montecillo; Texcoco; Estado de México (Mexico)
Instituto de Fitosanidad; Colegio de Postgraduados; 56230 Montecillo; Texcoco; Estado de México (Mexico)
Universitat de Barcelona; Facultat de Biologia; Departament de Biologia Evolutiva; Ecología i Ciències Ambientals; Avda. Diagonal 645; 08028-Barcelona; Catalonia
Hymenoptera Re-descriptions new species morphology Cynipini North America


Amphibolips is currently divided into two species-groups, clearly differentiated by adult and gall morphology. The ‘niger’ group of Amphibolips species is revised. This complex includes eight species: A. gumia Kinsey, A. jubatus Kinsey, A. elatus Kinsey, A. maturus Kinsey, A. nebris Kinsey, A. niger Kinsey, A. pistrix Kinsey and A. ufo Cuesta-Porta & Pujade-Villar sp. nov. We provide descriptions of new species and re-descriptions of known species, diagnoses, keys to complexes and species. The possibility of the ‘niger’ complex belonging to a new genus is also discussed.



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