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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-01
Page range: 151-158
Abstract views: 350
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A new species of Lygistorrhina (Lygistorrhina) Skuse, 1890 (Diptera: Keroplatidae, Lygistorrhininae) with a key to the subgenus

Department of Natural Sciences; National Museums Scotland; Chambers Street; Edinburgh; Scotland; UK
Life sciences; Natural History Museum; Cromwell Road; London; UK; Faculty of Arts; Science and Technology; University of Northampton; Waterside Campus; Northampton; UK
FlyEvidence; Pentrefoelas; LL24 0TA; Wales; UK
Diptera biodiversity Ceropegia Apocynaceae fungus gnats taxonomy new taxa Afrotropical region


A new species of Lygistorrhina (Lygistorrhina) Skuse, 1890, Lygistorrhina woodi sp. nov., is described. The specimen was dissected from an alcohol-preserved flower of Ceropegia aristolochioides ssp. deflersiana Bruyns (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Ceropegieae) stored in the Kew herbarium. This is the first occurrence of the lygistorrhine gnats in a hot, semi-arid climate. A key to all known species of the subgenus Lygistorrhina (Lygistorrhina) is provided.



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