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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-01
Page range: 181-220
Abstract views: 318
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New species of the tribe Sericini Kirby, 1837 from China, with further updates on their taxonomy and distribution (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericinae)

College of Plant Protection; South China Agricultural University; 483 Wushan Road; Guangzhou 510642; P. R. China
Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig; Adenauerallee 127; 53113 Bonn; Germany
Coleoptera Chafers new combination new record new synonym Scarabaeoidea


Fifteen new species of Sericini are described from China, including Gastroserica (s. str.) mayunshui Zhao & Ahrens, new species, Pachyserica albopunctata Zhao & Ahrens, new species, P. dongnanensis Zhao & Ahrens, new species, P. jianfengensis Zhao & Ahrens, new species, Serica (s. l.) caiyiyiae Zhao & Ahrens, new species, S. (s. l.) babaoshanensis Zhao & Ahrens, new species, S. (s. l.) jicaiyanae Zhao & Ahrens, new species, S. (s. l.) zhangyaonani Zhao & Ahrens, new species, S. (s. l.) longidentata Zhao & Ahrens, new species, S. (s. l.) callosericoides Zhao & Ahrens, new species, S. (Taiwanoserica) liboyani Zhao & Ahrens, new species, S. (T.) yangzaichuni Zhao & Ahrens, new species, Maladera zhanchaoi Zhao & Ahrens, new species M. parabikouensis Zhao & Ahrens, new species and M. shikengkongensis Zhao & Ahrens, new species. Maladera juxianensis Ahrens, Fabrizi & Liu, 2021 was recognized as a junior synonym of M. aureola (Murayama, 1938). Additional collecting data for 32 other sericine species is presented.



  1. Ahrens, D. (2000) Synopsis der Gattung Gastroserica des ostasiatischen Festlandes (Insecta: Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Sericini). Entomologische Abhandlungen Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde, 59 (3), 73–121.
  2. Ahrens, D. (2003a) Neue Arten aus der Gruppe der Amiserica insperata (Brenske, 1898) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Sericini). Spixiana, 26, 65–81.
  3. Ahrens, D. (2004) Monographie der Sericini des Himalaya (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae).—Verlag im Internet GmbH, Berlin, 534 pp.
  4. Ahrens, D. (2005) A taxonomic review on the Serica (s. str.) MacLeay, 1819 species of Asiatic mainland (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini). Nova Supplementa Entomologica, 18, 1–163.
  5. Ahrens, D. (2006a) The phylogeny of Sericini and their position within the Scarabaeidae based on morphological characters (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Systematic Entomology, 31 (1), 113–144.
  6. Ahrens, D. (2006b) Revision und phylogenetische Analyse der Gattung Pachyserica Brenske, 1897 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Sericini). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 113, 487–557.
  7. Ahrens, D. (2007) Revision der Serica nigroguttata Brenske, 1897—Gruppe (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Sericini). Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 77, 5–37.
  8. Ahrens, D. & Fabrizi, S. (2009) New species of Sericini from the Eastern Himalaya and Tibet (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). In:Hartmann, M. and Weipert, M. (Eds.), Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya III. Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e.V., Erfurt, pp. 249–284.
  9. Ahrens, D. & Fabrizi, S. (2016) A monograph of the Sericini of India (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Bonn zoological Bulletin, 65 (1–2), 1–355.
  10. Ahrens, D., Fabrizi, S., Bai, M. & Liu, W.G. (2022) Taxonomic revision of Serica MacLeay, 1819 (sensu lato) from China and adjacent areas (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Sericini), with updates on Nipponoserica Nomura, 1972. Zootaxa, 5186 (1), 1–83.
  11. Ahrens, D., Liu, W.G., Lukic, D. & Bai, M. (2023) A taxonomic review of Microserica Brenske, 1894 from continental Asia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Sericini). Zootaxa, 5241 (1), 1–115.
  12. Ahrens, D., Liu, W.G., Pham, P. & Fabrizi, S. (2021) An overview on the genus Amiserica Nomura, 1974 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Sericini). Zootaxa, 5050 (1), 1–63.
  13. Ahrens, D. & Pacholátko, P. (2005) Zwei neue Arten aus der Gruppe der Amiserica insperata (Brenske, 1898) aus dem nordöstlichen Indien und Myanmar (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 75, 311–317.
  14. Ahrens, D. & Vogler, A.P. (2008) Towards the phylogeny of chafers (Sericini): analysis of alignment-variable sequences and the evolution of segment numbers in the antennal club. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 47, 783–798.
  15. Eberle, J., Fabrizi, S., Lago, P. & Ahrens, D. (2017) A historical biogeography of megadiverse Sericini—another story „out of Africa“? Cladistics, 33, 183–197.
  16. Fabrizi, S., Liu, W.G., Bai, M., Yang, X.K. & Ahrens, D. (2021) A monograph of the genus Maladera of China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini). Zootaxa, 4922 (1), 1–400.
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  18. Liu, W.G., Ahrens, D., Bai, M. & Yang, X.K. (2011) A key to species of the genus Gastroserica Brenske of the China (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini), with the description of two new species and two new records for China. ZooKeys, 139, 23–44.
  19. Liu, W.G., Bai, M., Yang, X.K. & Ahrens, D. (2014) An update to the taxonomy of the genus Gastroserica Brenske (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Sericini). ZooKeys, 426, 87–110.
  20. Liu, W.G., Eberle, J., Bai, M., Yang, X.K. & Ahrens, D. (2015) A phylogeny of Sericini with particular reference to Chinese species using mitochondrial and ribosomal DNA (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 15, 343–350.
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