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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-01
Page range: 221-236
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On the penaeid shrimps of the genus Parapenaeopsis Alcock, 1901 (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Taiwan

Institute of Marine Biology; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202301 Taiwan; R.O.C.
Institute of Marine Biology; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202301 Taiwan; R.O.C.; Center of Excellence for the Oceans; National Taiwan Ocean University; Keelung 202301 Taiwan; R.O.C.
Crustacea Taxonomy new records marine


Five species in the penaeid shrimp genus Parapenaeopsis Alcock, 1901 are reported from Taiwan. Parapenaeopsis amicus V.C. Nguyên, 1971 and P. venusta De Man, 1907 are formally recorded in Taiwan for the first time. Taxonomic problems related to the species reported from Taiwan are discussed, and a key to the species of Parapenaeopsis in Taiwan is provided.



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