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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-09
Page range: 223-238
Abstract views: 237
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Early Stages and Notes on the Biology of Melitaea gina Higgins, 1941 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from Northern Zagros Mts (Iran) with the Special Remarks on Taxonomy

Department of Entomology; Faculty of Biology; Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leninskie Gory I/12; Moscow 119991; Russia.
Lopukhin Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency; Malaya Pirogovskaya St.; 1a; Moscow 119435; Russia.
Lepidoptera Nymphalinae fritillary butterfly egg chorion caterpillar trophic associations


This article presents characteristics of the habitats of Melitaea gina Higgins, 1941 and describes the behavior of adults under natural conditions, their host plant, egg chorion, caterpillars, and pupa morphology. The morphology of the early stages and the taxonomy of M. gina are discussed.



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