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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-13
Page range: 513-532
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Three new free-living marine nematode species of the family Comesomatidae from Mangrove wetlands in Jinmen County, Taiwan

State Key Laboratory of Mariculture Breeding; Fisheries College of Jimei University; Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Fishery Resources and Eco-environment; Fisheries College; Jimei University; Xiamen 361021; P. R. China
State Key Laboratory of Mariculture Breeding; Fisheries College of Jimei University; Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Fishery Resources and Eco-environment; Fisheries College; Jimei University; Xiamen 361021; P. R. China
Nematoda Free-living marine nematode Dorylaimopsis Comesoma Paracomesoma taxonomy Taiwan Island


Three new free-living marine nematodes, belonging to the genera Dorylaimopsis, Comesoma and Paracomesoma are described from the mangrove wetlands of western Taiwan Island. Dorylaimopsis jinmendaoica sp. nov. is characterized by having a cuticle with lateral differentiation of longitudinal rows of two rows of larger dots in the middle of the body, a spiral amphideal fovea with 2.5–2.75 turns, excretory pore anterior to nerve ring and 17–21 fibriform precloacal supplements. Comesoma quattuordecimsupplementata sp. nov. is characterized by having a spiral amphideal fovea with 2.5–2.75 turns and 14 fibriform precloacal supplements. Paracomesoma paralissum sp. nov. is characterized by having a spiral amphideal fovea with 3.0 turns and 40 fibriform precloacal supplements. Differentiating characteristics of all known male Dorylaimopsis, Comesoma and Paracomesoma species are also given.



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