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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2023-11-13
Page range: 599-599
Abstract views: 257
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Comments on the article “Review of the Eilema group of lichen moths from South Korea, with description of one new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini)” (Bayarsaikhan et al. 2016)

N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Nikolsky ave; 20; 163020; Arkhangelsk; Russia
Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Lithosiini South Korea


  1. Bayarsaikhan, U., Ju, Y.-D. & Bae, Y.-S. (2016) Review of the Eilema group of lichen moths from South Korea, with description of one new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini). Journal of Forestry Research, 27 (2), 407–417.
  2. Bremer, O. (1864) Lepidopteren Ost-Sibiriens, insbesondere der Amur-Landes, gesammelt von den Herren G. Radde, R. Maack und P. Wulffius. Mémoires de l‘Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, 8 (1), 1–104.
  3. Daniel, F. (1954) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Arctiidae Ostasiens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ausbeuten von Dr. h.c. Höne aus diesem Gebiet (Lep. Het.). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 5 (1–4), 89–138. [in German]
  4. De Freina, J.J. (1980) Wittia nom. nov. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen, 29 (4), 80.
  5. Dubatolov, V.V. (2014a) Far Eastern lichen-moths from the group Eilema sensu lato (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Lithosiinae) in the collection of Zoological Institute, St.-Petersburg. Amurian Zoological Journal, 6 (3), 276–281.
  6. Dubatolov, V.V. (2014b) Collita digna (Ignatyev et Witt, 2007). Lichen moths (Arctiidae, Lithosiinae) of Russia and surrounding countries. Available from: (accessed 7 April 2022)
  7. Dubatolov, V.V. (2014c) Manulea affineola (Bremer, 1864) = Lithosia tsinlingica Daniel, 1954. Lichen moths (Arctiidae, Lithosiinae) of Russia and surrounding countries. Available from: (accessed 7 April 2022)
  8. Ignatyev, N.N. & Witt, Th. (2007) A review of Eilema Hübner, 1819 of Russia and adjacent territories. Part 1. The Eilema griseola (Hübner, 1803) species group (Arctiidae: Lithosiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica, 30 (1), 25–43.
  9. Inoue, H. (1988) On the status of Eilema affineola (Bremer) (Arctiidae, Lithosiinae). Yugato, 113, 95–98.
  10. Moore, F. (1878) A revision of certain Genera of European and Asiatic Lithosidae, with Characters of new Genera and Species. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London, 1878, 3–37.
  11. Wallengren, von H.D.J. (1863) Lepidopterologische Mittheilungen. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift, 7 (5), 137–151.