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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-15
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New synonyms in western Palaearctic Ciidae (Coleoptera)

Mendel University in Brno; Department of Zoology; Fisheries; Hydrobiology and Apiculture; Zemědělská 1; 613 00 Brno; Czech Republic.
Coleoptera Insecta ColeopteraTenebrionoidea Ciidae new synonymy western Palaearctic Region


Based on the study of type specimens, the following new synonyms in western Palaearctic Ciidae are proposed: Cis glabratus Mellié, 1849 = C. bituberculosus Roubal, 1937 (syn. nov.) = C. bituberculatus Roubal, 1912 (syn. nov.); Cis micans (Fabricius, 1792) = C. crenatus C. R. Sahlberg, 1836 (syn. nov.); Cis rugulosus Mellié, 1849 = C. puncticollis Thomson, 1870 (syn. nov.) = C. thomsoni Dalla Torre, 1911 (syn. nov.); Cis vestitus Mellié, 1849 = C. incanus Rey, 1892 (syn. nov.); and Ennearthron cornutum (Gyllenhal, 1827) = E. ondreji Roubal, 1919 (syn. nov.). The lectotypes are designated for Cis bituberculatus Roubal, 1912; C. crenatus C. R. Sahlberg, 1836; C. hispidus var. albohispidulus Reitter, 1901; C. puncticollis Thomson, 1870; and Cis incanus Rey, 1892.



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