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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-16
Page range: 211-228
Abstract views: 255
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Phragmacossia bozanoi—a new species from southern Greece with some notes on Phragmataecia and Phragmacossia (Lepidoptera, Cossidae, Zeuzerinae)

Nature Research Centre; Akademijos str. 2; 08412 Vilnius-21; Lithuania
University of Sciences; Techniques and Technology of Bamako; BP 1805; Bamako; Mali
University of Sciences; Techniques and Technology of Bamako; BP 1805 Bamako; Mali; Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases; Hadassah Medical School; The Hebrew University; Kalman Ya’akov Man St.; 91120 Jerusalem; Israel
Altai State University; pr. Lenina 61; RUS-656049 Barnaul; Russia; Tomsk State University; pr. Lenina 36; RUS-634050 Tomsk; Russia; Samarkand State University; University blv. 15; 140104 Samarkand; Uzbekistan
Lepidoptera biodiversity Central Asia Crete fauna Middle east new species for europe Peloponnes taxonomy


The taxonomic relationship between the genera Phragmataecia Newman, 1850 and Phragmacossia Schawerda, 1924 is considered. Diagnostic characters and distribution of the species Phragmataecia castaneae (Hübner, 1790), Phragmataecia albida (Erschoff, 1874), Phragmacossia ariana (Grum-Grshimailo, 1899), Phragmacossia territa (Staudinger, 1879), and Phragmacossia minos Reisser, 1963 are studied in detail. A new species, Phragmacossia bozanoi sp. n., is described from the Peloponnese Peninsula and the South Greek mainland.



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