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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-17
Page range: 409-423
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On the taxonomy of the genus Isochlora Staudinger with descriptions of two new species from Mongolia and Qinghai, China (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae)

Altai State University; Lenina Avenue; 61; RF-656049; Barnaul; Russia
Institute of Zoology; Entomology laboratory; Al-Farabi Avenue; 93; KZ-050060; Almaty; Kazakhstan; Department of Biology and Ecology; the Research Centre for Environmental “Monitoring”; Toraighyrov University; Lomova str. 64; KZ-140008; Pavlodar; Kazakhstan; Scientific Center “Bioarchaeology”; Institute of Archaeological Research; Margulan University; Olzhabay Batyr str. 60; KZ-140002; Pavlodar; Kazakhstan
Zoological Institute; Russian Academy of Sciences; Universitetskaya Embankment 1; St.-Petersburg; RF-199034 Russia.
Department of Zoology; Hungarian Natural History Museum; Baross utca; 13; H-1088 Budapest; Hungary
Nature Research Centre; Akademijos str.; 2; LT-08412; Vilnius-21; Lithuania
Institute of Zoology; Entomology laboratory; Al-Farabi Avenue; 93; KZ-050060; Almaty; Kazakhstan
Institute of Zoology; Entomology laboratory; Al-Farabi Avenue; 93; KZ-050060; Almaty; Kazakhstan
Lepidoptera distribution Kazakhstan lectotype Mongolian Altai new record Noctuini revised subgenus synonym Tibet Tien Shan


Two new species of the genus Isochlora Staudinger, 1882 are described: I. hreblayi Volynkin, Tóth, Titov & Saldaitis, sp. n. (western Mongolia) and I. kozlovi Volynkin, Titov, Matov & Saldaitis, sp. n. (Qinghai Province, China). The type species of the genus-group names Chamyla Staudinger, 1900 and Grumia Alphéraky, 1892 (I. arctomys Alphéraky, 1897 and I. flora (Alphéraky, 1892), respectively) are examined, and their synonymy with Isochlora is revised. The synonymy of Chamyla idia Staudinger, 1900 with Isochlora arctomys Alphéraky, 1897 is revised as junior synonymies. Lectotypes are designated for Isochlora arctomys Alphéraky, 1897, Chamyla idia Staudinger, 1900 and Grumia flora Alphéraky, 1892. Isochlora intricans (Alphéraky, 1882) is reported from Kazakhstan for the first time. Adults as well as male and female genitalia are illustrated.



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