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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-22
Page range: 273-278
Abstract views: 319
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A new species of Phragmataecia Newman, 1850 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) from Bangladesh

Department of Zoology; University of Chittagong; Chittagong‒4331; Bangladesh
Department of Zoology; University of Chittagong; Chittagong‒4331; Bangladesh; Maasbrachterweg 83; 6101 XV Echt; Netherlands
Maasbrachterweg 83; 6101 XV Echt; Netherlands
Lepidoptera carpenter moth ishuqii Chittagong areole male genitalia


Herein, we describe Phragmataecia ishuqii Rayhan, Jahan, & Hulsbosch sp. nov., a new species of carpenter moth belonging to the genus Phragmataecia Newman, 1850 from Chittagong, Bangladesh. This species is distinct from its closely allied congeners in external morphology as well as male genitalia characteristics. Comparative diagnostic characteristics are provided along with illustrations of the imago and genitalia of this new species.



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