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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-22
Page range: 285-296
Abstract views: 451
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Description of a new species and a new group of Salassa Moore, 1859 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) with a molecular study based on partial COI

The Key Laboratory of Jiangsu Biodiversity and Biotechnology; College of Life Sciences; Nanjing Normal University; Nanjing 210023; China.
Enterprising Village #154; Maigaoqiao Street; Qixia District; Nanjing 210028; China.
Lepidoptera Salassinae giant silk moth systematic taxonomy


Salassa is a genus of the family Saturniidae. It comprises over 30 species that are widely distributed in Asia. This study describes a new species, Salassa sunwukongi sp. nov., found in Chinese Yunnan province. The first molecular study of Salassa was conducted using COI fragments. Molecular and morphological analyses revealed the presence of a monophyletic group, royi-group, distributed in the Himalayas. A key to members of the royi-group, along with species lists and distinguishing characteristics of all three groups of Salassa, is provided.



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